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About jparky92

  • Birthday 08/21/1992

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i have recently got a new router and have it all set up with my desktop pc and have it configuerd with my ps3 for online wireless gaming. But with my laptop when i try to connect to the network it times out and says it is taking longer than usual. I know i can cononect to it because i had it connected earlier but then added WEP security code so no one could be using my internet. I adjusted the settings on my ps3 and added the WEP security code and the ps3 worked but now with the laptop it just seems to be taking forever to try and connect and doesnt even get to the stage of asking for the WEP security code. Any help will be much appreaciated thanks.
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