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About madigan653

  • Birthday 02/18/1960

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

madigan653's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Weird graphics. Hi all. I brought my PC out of storage having put it away in Feb 2010 (moved house). I built the system up last week and find when I power it up the Windows XP boot up screen has a series of little blue squares intermittently in like a checked formation. When the PC has booted the desktop picture looks ok but the icons look as if there has been little fine white lines through them (like a printout from a printer needing the print heads cleaned / calibrated). The cursor arrow also has little lines around it in a grid pattern. I thought the monitor may have been at fault but when I hooked it up to my laptop it was fine. My PC has an AMD Athlon 64 3000+ processor and an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro graphics card. I can use the system ok but I would like to sort the problem as everything worked ok before it was stored. Many thanks.
  2. Hi all. I have Sky broadband installed at home. I have a standalone pc in my bedroom which i had stored for a while. I intend to use it in conjunction with my work. I find I cannot get a strong enough signal (i've a wi-fi dongle i used to use on this pc successfully before). I have read about people fitting Homeplugs to avoid these hotspots. Can anyone shed an light on my problem, in ABC (simple chat please). Many thanks.
  3. Hi all. Technology is rapidly surpassing the little knowledge I have accrued with PC's so I'm joining the PC Help community. Hope you all have plenty of patience, lol :)
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