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Everything posted by ElJaffacakeo

  1. That'll be mine no doubt!! EDIT - Just went on Dell and got my warranty details, got 234 days left. PHEEEEW!
  2. I was afraid of that being the problem. You wouldnt happen to know what surrounds Dell and warranty do you? Ive got this horrible feeling that eventhough Ive only had the laptop for 4 months, it comes with pretty much no warranty!
  3. I have my laptop set to not do that though. The other day it happened whilst I was in the middle of using it, so it isnt happening through inactivity. Also, when it happened whilst I was using it, it made an odd noise until I switched it off. It sort of sounded like some kind of moving part was stuck and trying to move, making a sort of rapid tapping sound.
  4. Hello, I have a brand new (in June) Dell Inspiron 1750 laptop (basic entry level machine). I seem to have a problem in that the laptop appears to be turning itself off, although its not really off. What I mean by that is, the screen goes off, I have no control over it, nothing functions, but the light is still on and it still sounds like it is running. I should say that, generally it does this after I resume the laptop from 'sleep' mode by lifting the lid, but It has done it whilst I have been in the middle of using it at least once. It doesnt do it all that often, but enough to worry me. Anymore information I should supply to you?
  5. Sliiiiiiightly literate when it comes to my computer, but need help with certain things, tis why I joined you guys here. So hello, look forward to my time here :)
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