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About Sidney5101

  • Birthday 02/20/1991

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  • System: beginner

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I decided to back everything up and format the disks. then reinstalled 7 no problems any more
  2. I have an Asus Eee Pc 1000HE originally running XP home exclusively.. Recently I've installed Windows 7 32bit ultimate on the Other side of the Drive (C vs. D).. Went off without a hitch, then I decided to update the drivers and thing on my system for 7. Most of them installed correctly and had no issues. Ultimately i want to move everything to 7 and uninstall xp from my system. To transfer my files I used windows easy transfer. They transfered no problem. The problem stems from this choice. I chose to use the C drive (Where XP is) as my "Old computer" and the D drive (windows7) as my new. Now my C drive cannot be accessed without right clicking and hitting explore, same thing with the D drive. C drive icon is the transfer icon and D drive is the "Missing item icon?" So my drives being indisposed, I can no longer do the driver updates because nothing can save to them. I've formatted D and reinstalled 7 no fix, I've used Iolo's system mechanic, things ran much more smoothly, but no fix. I'm hesitant to Just wipe everything Because I have no real way to back my files up (this is my only computer). That was problem one. Problem two is some of the options and hardware is no longer being recognized by 7 among them my Wireless network card. (yes it is installed with the current drivers and is enabled in the bios). Ultimately I'm stuck in my XP OS for any functionality.. Help please and thank you!
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