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About kgldsun

  • Birthday 11/01/1960

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_7_home_premium

kgldsun's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Having just purchased a new samsung windows 7 laptop,I have tried in vain to open my old downloaded documents (works, word etc) that are now on my new laptop. All my old work was reinstalled on new lap top from a hard drive. I installed my old original 'work's and 'office xp pro' from disc and then when I open an old document i receive the MICROSOFT OFFICE window telling me its necessary to purchase or try etc. I would be so grateful if anybody can help. Many thanks in advance.:confused:
  2. When we had our desktop we had the screen saver set to display random photos of which we have 1000's. It was a fabulous way of watching our collection of photos. Not unlike the photo frames that you can buy only bigger and displaying far far more. Now we have laptops, does anybody know of a way I could still display my collection of photos in this way? I am willing to buy a monitor but then not sure what I would use to display them. Is there anyway the monitor can work from a hard-drive where I have the photos all saved? Would love some ideas, and thank you in advance.:)
  3. Please oh please can somebody help! Suddenly, on certain websites, Debenhams.co.uk and easyjet.com to name two. I can manage to go on to these websites but as soon as I browse different pages on the site (as in debenhams 1 to 20 pages of shopping) or go to book a flight, eg (hit 'Continue') my cursor continues just to work and spin round and round without bringing up the page. The page is vaguely visible as whilst the cursor is working the page is a dull transparent grey. I have to then come off the site.:confused: My daughters laptop is fine with these sites so it is for sure this lap top. I have done system restore to the recommended date and run malaware along with a virus check. All to no avail. Does anybody have any suggestions please? Thank You in advance,:) I have internet explore 8 and windows xp on a HP laptop G70 120
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