I have a 33 month old Mesh desktop pc running Windows 7 OS which I installed just over a year ago. All has been well until the last few days. The problem is that after a short while of running, which can vary from a few minutes to an hour, the screen freezes and no inputs are possible via mouse or keyboard. No amount of effort will get it running again as it just stops at various points of booting up. It is not even possible to Safe Boot. However, if the pc is left for one hour approx, it starts ok and everything is fine again until it freezes again. When it is working, everything works fine including all my applicationm e,g Office ect. I have tried system restore but this made no difference. I have not recently added any software or hardware. To my mind it is almost as though something is heating up and failing until it cools down again. It just does not seem to be a software issue. I did manage to complete a full virus check using Kaspersky and this found no issues. I have subsequenly deleted Kaspersky 2010 and install Kaspersky 2011 but still the problem continues. Does anyone have any suggestions?? Thanks