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About simonh

  • Birthday 04/14/1981

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  • System: windows_7_home_premium

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  1. Hi again, Just to let you know I got fed up and just bought a new tower that I was able to pick up cheaply. Thanks to all of you that tried to help me out
  2. Good to know, cheers Ken
  3. Hi, apologies for the late reply but I've been away on holiday :) I've tried your suggestion but am not seeing a massive spike in temperature so I'm (still) stumped. I'll pick up a new motherboard that I can attach the cooling fan to and get back to you then to see if that's helped
  4. The new GPU has a 6 and 8 pin connection and both are connected although I had to use an adaptor for the 8 pin as my PSU doesn't support it natively. I'm using the new CPU but I'm using the Intel fan currently as the Asus cooling fan doesn't fit my current board. I've had it in since last night but it hasn't shut down yet but I haven't been pushing it that hard (due to the fan not fitting)
  5. I currently have 2 fans. The intel one is the one I am currently using and have been for the duration. The asus one came with the quad core CPU I bought from my friend but doesn't fit my current motherboard, It comes with a matching heat sink which also doesn't fit. The fan I'm referring to is the one on my GPU which seems to go to sleep after a while.
  6. I am currently running it with the side off. Do you think it would be an overheating issue? Because I do have a cooling fan for my CPU but it doesn't currently fit my (new) motherboard. Also why I does it run OK when I force the fan to run?
  7. Right, Have now changed Mobo, GPU (GTX 295), CPU (quad core now), PSU and RAM and am still getting this problem. I've been using MSI Afterburner lately which has helped as long as I set the fan to a continuous speed so you may be right about the under load issue but what can I do about that other than what I am already? I'm about ready to dump it all in a skip and buy a mac (words i never thought I'd say) :p
  8. If that doesn't work you could try this link as it really helped me out with a similar issue I had http://helpdeskgeek.com/windows-7/windows-7-how-to-delete-files-protected-by-trustedinstaller/
  9. They didn't have one I could borrow but they did test it and seemed to think it's fine. A friend of mine has one so I have to wait until I can get my hands on that
  10. Ok, have now replaced the motherboard as well as the RAM and PSU (mentioned earlier) and still getting issues. Tried running it off of the onboard on my new motherboard and still having the same thing happen, I'm going to take my GPU to get tested tomorrow and see if they have one I can try to see if I can rule out that side but if that isn't the problem then I'm left with the HDD and CPU as the only thing unchanged in the tower. About to do a clean windows install as well so I'll keep you posted. My new MOBO is a Gigabyte G41MT-S2P and I'm running 2 x 4gb Corsair XMS3's
  11. Hi Ken I'll be heading back there on Wednesday so I'll take it with me and see what they say
  12. Yeah I will Ken, either that or just rebuild from scratch :) I was using the extender at the time of the freeze and the DCOM was set to automatic. after chatting to the guy in my local shop he advised me to check my BIOS to see if my RAM settings were correct. After manually setting them to match the specs and voltage on the sticks It was fine for a day but has now come back. Don't think it's any worse with either of the connections but it's so erratic I can't really tell
  13. It was originally connected as shown on the right side of the pic but I've now plugged the card directly into a port from the PSU as shown on the left side of the pic
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