Did I get that right that you powered the board up without CPU fitted? I understand it that the CPU actually gives the order to start, but even so, you really ought not do that. At that point was the memory also removed?
Yes, but by powered up I mean the fans came on as normal and that's as far as it went and yes the memory was removed too as was everything else. I felt like I had no other choice so I was hoping I could at least get into bios to try and reset it again but it wasn't to be.
I don't know what chips you have fried, it may be the CMOS chip, or anything really, but I wouldn't expect it to come back to life now.
Yeah neither would I, I realise I would probably have to buy a new mobo but I would just love to know what went wrong so it doesn't happen again.
Also, I doubt your CPU is goosed, unless there was a major power spike into the board from a faulty PSU. CPU's have thermal cutouts, as do boards if they are setup so heat probably wasn't an issue here.
What I don't get is why the computer restarted followed by the overclock failure message and then automatically went into bios, that's when I reset and saved the bios to default and after that it didn't power up, strange.