Building 1 is 100+ft long, 20ft wide, runs North-South, only phoneline socket in North wall, so router connected to that, then feeds Powerline homeplugs around the building no problem.
I need to get broadband into building 2 across courtyard from S end of B1 (@100ft) but it is on different ring main so homeplugs don't work. How do I do this wirelessly - I have line of sight from window in B1 to window in B2? I guess using things called repeaters??
Can anyone tell me exactly what I need to do on the South side of B1-do I ethernet the broadband from a homeplug into a repeater, then from B2 pick up the signal from B1 and ethernet it into another homeplug to feed around B2?
No doubt it's simple but never been much into networking especially wirelessly! :o
I have the following equipment "spare";-
TP-LINK Wireless-N router TL-WR300
TP-LINK Wireless-N access point TL-WA801ND
Loadsa 200mbs Hompeplugs