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hello all. I'm new to this forum so please go gently http://www.pchelpforum.com/images/smilies/smiley.gif


I have a Samsung HD103UJ 1 TB external HDD connect via USB which i have tons of MP3's on but only about 30% of the total capacity. Always worked ok ( no funny noises) until a couple of days ago when it appears all data has been lost.

The drive letter - F - hasn't changed, its showing correctly in 'my computer', right click in my computer>properties shows the disk capacity as completely free.

I have managed to retrieve MP3 data using Active/Undelete software but all the mp3's have come off in a big bundle of file numbers not named in band/song titles ( at least i have the data back).

I have run chkdsk on the drive using my computer>properties>tools and at DOS prompt. Both these show the volume as having no errors ( bad sectors or otherwise even tho' Active/undelete said there were).

I have tried to plug the HDD into another PC and its the same problem as if the drive has been formatted. The only thing not tried is a new USB cable but would that make any difference ?


Can anyone shed any light onto this problem. Is it a terminal failure ? Can i get the original files in their folders back ? I have not formatted the drive incase there is something else i can do.


many thanks


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Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.

Firstly you are very wise to not reformat that drive, neither should you yet try putting anything else on it.

It does indeed look as if something has happened to have deleted all the files, now this is where we learn something about the delete process. What happens is the name and path to the file is removed and is all that happens.

Under normal circumstances, that allows windows or any other operating system come to that, to write new data over the top of what was there. In your case, fortunately no new data has been written, or I hope not yet.

This means that file recovery software can then scan and copy the data it sees, but remember, the original path and file name have gone, so each file is just given a numerical name as it is copied. To identify each file unfortunately means opening, and in this case being MP3 files, playing them to be able to recognise what it is. You can then of course rename it once you know what it is.


The recovery software you used is not one I recognise, so can you please give me the full name, and if possible a link to the site from where you downloaded it. That way, once I or any other helper knows more about it, we may be able to better offer more help or at least make recommendation's for other software.


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I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄


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