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I'm new at forum, found it while searching answers to my question. I didn't find more appropriated topic, so I hope, it my post will be fine here :)

So, i'm into buying a new laptop for my wife, who is gaming a lot :) Until now we had desktop PCs which were easy to upgrade when needed, but with laptops, it's different.

So I think, when choosing a future-proof laptop, in first round we need to check what is not upgradable, and then select a laptop with those components already there. So, first thing like this, is processor. As far as I know, it's not upgradable and/or it wouldn't be cheap :) So the laptop, i'm choosing should have a i7 processor, or the newer (at least it call it like that on one of the sites) i7-2. Then next thing, is a decent, non-integrated video card, i'm thinking of an ATI HD6 series (NVidia would be good as well, but i'm ATI fan..). I know that these non-integrated videocards can be replaced in future, because they use some kind of standard slot, but still, it wouldn't be cheap, so i want to go with a good with from the beginning.

RAM size is not a question, because it's easily upgradable, and cheap :)

And now the question... hard disk. I wonder, if you can suggest any laptop, which has space for 2 hard disks ? because then, i would buy now it, and later install an SSD into the 2nd drive. but for the moment, those what i found, which comes by default with HDD+SDD are very expensive, so i'm looking for that option, where it comes with 1 HDD, but have space for 2 :)

Are there anything like that ?


oh, maybe it's important, i'm into 15"-17"... :)


Thanks your answers in advance,



ps: sorry for my English, it's not my mother language.

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Hi Joseph, Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.

A lot may well depend on what imports are allowed into your country to start off with. However you seem to have most of your needs well covered.

I will point out that where a laptop is equipped for two hard drives, they come with the two fitted, I don't know of any that has a spare bay but without a drive in it. I would rather be looking for a machine with one good sized drive, but with the thought that it can be removed and a SSD drive fitted later.

As I am not in your country, therefore do not know if there are any limitations on imports or not, I cannot be specific as to which laptop to go for. Also some manufacturers may also not be importing due to restrictions they may face.

Sorry I can't really be of more help as I don't know what is or is not available in your country.



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Hi Nev,

Thanks for your answer. Country and importing is not a problem, i have friends in Hungary, Austria and Germany so we will solve it, when I found a laptop that fits my needs :)

Wondering if having only 1 SSD in laptop is enough.. i mean, i know big ssd's can be bought, but still.. probably something around 120 gigs would be fine for windows + 1-2 games.

What do you think, it is worth putting SSD at all? i know that windows loading time will be fast, but afterwards, will I feel the difference?




OK Joseph SSD will be fast and if the system needs to use paging files at all during games, that will also be fast. However I think more RAM is good as well, and for games definitely decent graphics needed as you say so none integrated is good. Basically it then comes to what you can afford now.

You have obviously done possibly more research into what is available than I have time for at the moment, so basically go for the best you can afford that gives you as much as possible of what you require.

Unless you or your wife are also into collecting and storing large sized files such as video or vast amounts of music, extremely large SSD or even ordinary HDD drives aren't needed. 500GB tops if only ever going to be used for games.

Plus if extra space is required, you could go for an external drive for storage.



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I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄


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