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windows/system32/config repair failed...

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Hello all,


I had the windows/system32/config problem following a BSOD so I

followed KB307545, I go a bit further because now i have the XP logo

at boot with the sliding bar at the bottom but after 10-12 seconds the

boot stops and i get an error message with a BSOD that says


STOP 0x0000007B (0xBACCB524,0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000)


My XP CD xon't let me access the repair console, when I finish the

boot sequence on the CD I can only select to install in C and not

repair using the R key.


Is there a way to make a bootable CD that would go straight to the

repair console or into "dos mode" ? Can I get the "6 floppies" on a CD

(my laptop has no floppy...)


Thanks for the help

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Guest Lvdarkwolf

RE: windows/system32/config repair failed...



Only once have i been able to repair something like this, and even then it

was so unstable it was only useful for getting my files off before i

reformatted and reinstalled the OS. As soon as you fix the config file

another file will complain and so on until your pretty much trying to restore

the entire boot system. Best bet is to take your drive to another computer

get all the data you want off of it and then reformat and reinstall.


Re: windows/system32/config repair failed...


On 24 sep, 20:59, Lvdarkwolf <Lvdarkw...@discussions.microsoft.com>


> Only once have i been able to repair something like this, and even then it

> was so unstable it was only useful for getting my files off before i

> reformatted and reinstalled the OS.    As soon as you fix the config file

> another file will complain and so on until your pretty much trying to restore

> the entire boot system.  Best bet is to take your drive to another computer

> get all the data you want off of it and then reformat and reinstall.


Ok, thanks for the not so good news...


I'm fighting my way back to life on this system, I'm almost done but

now after reinstallaing Xp over itself (and hopefully not losing all

my programs) I have a domain access problem, upon the first log in of

the new system i get an error message saying that my domain was not

reachable, of course I don't use ANY domain, just a workgroup which is

not configured at this time...


Any idea on what to do about this ?


Thanks a lot

Guest Lvdarkwolf

Re: windows/system32/config repair failed...


Try changing the name of the workgroup and rebooting.


Re: windows/system32/config repair failed...


On 25 sep, 14:51, Lvdarkwolf <Lvdarkw...@discussions.microsoft.com>


> Try changing the name of the workgroup and rebooting.


Wel the only problem is that i can't log into windows so i can't

change anything and reboot :(


I'm trying to get into the registry with a live windows cd and do some

cvhanges from there.


thanks for the help

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