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<div class="KonaBody"><p><img src="http://osxdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/lock-word-document-password.jpg" alt="lock word document password" title="lock word document password" width="128" height="128" class="alignright size-full wp-image-8710" /> You can password protect a Microsoft Word document quite easily, this is a great feature to keep sensitive documents completely private, such as your finances or a personal journal. Once the password is set, anyone trying to open the file will be required to enter a password within Word. If the document is brought into other applications, it will appear as gibberish. </p>

<p>You may be familiar with this technique from Windows, and it’s no surprise that Mac OS X has the same ability. Here’s how to set a password so that any Word document will be protected from either being opened completely, or from being modified.

<span id="more-8707"></span></p>

<h2 style="font-size:1.3em;">How to Password Protect a Word Document</h2>


<li>Create the Word document as usual</li>

<li>Go to ‘File’ then ‘Save’</li>

<li>Click on “Options”</li>


<p><img src="http://osxdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/password-protect-word-doc.jpg" alt="password protect word doc" title="password protect word doc" width="610" height="299" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-8708" /></p>


<li>Now click on “Security” from the left hand options</li>

<li>Enter a password for ‘Password to open’ to prevent anyone from opening the file without the password</li>

<li>Alternatively, set a password for “Password to modify” if you want to protect the document from modification instead</li>


<p><img src="http://osxdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/set-word-document-password.jpg" alt="set word document password" title="set word document password" width="610" height="400" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-8709" /></p>


<li>Click on “Protect Document” than click “OK”</li>

<li>Save the file</li>


<p>The Word document is now password protected and can not be opened without the password you set. Don’t lose the password, you can’t open the file if you do!</p>

<p>Beyond just securing documents, it’s a good idea to have some general security measures in place for your Mac. Setting up different user accounts for different Mac users is a great idea. </p>

<p>If you’re the only one using your Mac, a good option is to <a href="http://osxdaily.com/2007/04/23/ask-os-x-daily-how-do-i-lock-a-mac-os-x-workstation/">set a password for the screensaver and for waking on sleep</a> (although this is not the most secure, you can <a href="http://osxdaily.com/2010/08/10/forgot-mac-password-how-to-reset-mac-password/">reset lost passwords</a> rather easily). </p>

<p>You can also do some fancy things, like <a href="http://osxdaily.com/2010/09/29/lock-your-mac-via-iphone-and-take-an-isight-picture-with-login-attempts/">using your iPhone to lock your Mac, and take a picture with iSight camera if a login attempt fails</a>. </p>


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