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<div class="KonaBody"><p><img src="http://osxdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/seas0npass-tethered-jailbreak-appletv-2-ios-4-3.jpg" alt="seas0npass-tethered-jailbreak-appletv-2-ios-4-3" title="seas0npass-tethered-jailbreak-appletv-2-ios-4-3" width="584" height="389" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-13742" /></p>

<p>Seas0nPass is probably the best Apple TV 2 <a href="http://osxdaily.com/tag/jailbreak/">jailbreak</a> and it has been updated to work with iOS 4.3. The latest iOS is well worth installing on ATV2, it brings AirPlay support, has MLB.TV and NBA live streaming, and includes Netflix surround sound. Sounds good huh? The only downside is Seas0nPass is currently a tethered jailbreak (<a href="http://osxdaily.com/2010/11/24/tethered-jailbreak-vs-untethered-jailbreak/">learn about tethered vs untethered jailbreaks</a>), but if you tend to leave your ATV2 running all the time you won’t need to do this often.</p>

<p>Here’s what you’ll need:</p>


<li>iOS 4.3: you can <a href="http://osxdaily.com/2011/03/09/ios-4-3-download/">download iOS 4.3 directly</a> for Apple TV or update through iTunes</li>

<li>iTunes 10.2.1 (required for iOS 4.3)</li>

<li>Micro-USB cable: this is a tethered jailbreak, which means you will need to use the micro-USB cable on each reboot</li>

<li>Seas0nPass: you can download <a href="http://files.firecore.com/SP/Seas0nPass.zip">the latest version here</a> (direct link – Mac OS X only)</li>


<p>Now that you have everything ready, let’s get started:

<span id="more-13741"></span></p>

<h2 style="font-size:1.2em;">Jailbreaking Apple TV 2 on iOS 4.3 with Seas0nPass</h2>

<p>Seas0nPass has very easy to follow on-screen instructions, here it is step by step:</p>


<li>Launch Seas0nPass</li>

<li>Click on “Create IPSW” to download and build a custom jailbroken 4.3 IPSW file</li>

<li>Wait for the prompt, then connect your Apple TV2 to your Mac with the microUSB cable</li>

<li>Hold down “MENU” and “PLAY” for 7 seconds, this enters DFU mode</li>

<li>iTunes will launch and start to restore your Apple TV2 with the new jailbroken firmware</li>

<li>Wait for Seas0nPass to tell you the jailbreak is complete</li>

<li>Disconnect the AppleTV from your Mac and reboot the AppleTV</li>


<p>You will now be jailbroken but you will need to perform a tethered boot, this is very easy:</p>

<p><strong>Tethered Boot a Jailbroken AppleTV 2 with Seas0nPass</strong></p>


<li>Launch Seas0nPass again</li>

<li>Select “Boot Tethered” from the two choices</li>

<li>Connect the AppleTV2 when asked, connect the devices power, and then hold down “MENU” and “PLAY” for 7 seconds to enter DFU mode again</li>

<li>Let Seas0nPass boot the ATV2</li>


<p>Once the AppleTV2 has been booted using Seas0nPass you can disconnect it from your Mac, do not disconnect power source or you will have to reboot tethered again.</p>

<p>If you want to get the most out of your jailbreak, try <a href="http://osxdaily.com/2011/01/21/xbmc-for-apple-tv-2/">installing XBMC on the AppleTV 2</a>. Since you have already jailbroken your ATV2 you can skip that first part and just go straight to installing XBMC.</p>


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