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<div class="KonaBody"><p>Some of the most secure passwords you can use are those that are randomly generated. From the <a href="http://osxdaily.com/category/command-line/">command line</a>, you can randomize potential passwords in a multitude of ways, and we’ll cover several primary methods and then show you how to combine commands to make passwords even more random.</p>

<p>First, we’ll try my go-to method that uses openssl:</p>

<p><code>openssl rand -base64 6</code></p>

<p>The output of this command will be completely random, and look something like: cG/ah3+9</p>

<p>You can adjust the length of the password by changing the number on the end of the string. If you don’t want to end up with any abnormal characters like / and +, you can generate from hex too:</p>

<p><code>openssl rand -hex 4</code></p>

<p>If that isn’t random enough, you can pipe the randomized output of openssl through md5 and trim the md5 hash of the randomized output down to a set number of characters:</p>

<p><code>openssl rand -base64 8 |md5 |head -c8;echo</code></p>

<p>You can also get creative and take random input from other commands, such as date, and trim 8 characters from the current dates md5 hash:</p>

<p><code>date |md5 | head -c8; echo</code></p>

<p>Or even ping:</p>

<p><code>ping -c 1 yahoo.com |md5 | head -c8; echo</code></p>

<p>Using the md5 method, you can take the output of any command, or file, to create a secure password.</p>

<p>Obviously all of these randomized passwords aren’t easy to remember, which is why it can be helpful to use a password manager, but that’s another topic.</p>


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