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<div class="KonaBody"><p><img src="http://osxdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/mail-mark-as-read-behavior.jpg" alt="Mail apps Mark as Read behavior" title="mail-mark-as-read-behavior" width="620" height="454" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-27775" /></p>

<p>Have you ever noticed that Mail app registers a message as “read” after it has been clicked? The automatic “mark as read” feature makes it easy to quickly skim through a bunch of emails, but Mail doesn’t offer much control over the the delay for when messages are marked read.</p>

<p>That’s where TruePreview comes in, it’s a free Mail plugin that gives you control over how Mail app handles messages and their read behavior. With TruePreview, you can set messages to mark as read after a delay, disable the automatic mark as read feature completely, or restore to default settings, it also allows for these customizations to be made on a per account basis, allowing for read behavior to change depending on email addresses. </p>


<li>Quit Mail app</li>

<li><a href="http://christianserving.org/project/truepreview">Download TruePreview</a> (scroll down for latest versions) and run the installer</li>

<li>Launch Mail.app and open Preferences, click on the >> arrow and select “TruePreview”</li>

<li>Adjust the Mark as Read settings as desired</li>


<p>TruePreview works with Mail app in <a href="http://osxdaily.com/category/mac-os-x/">Mac OS X</a> Lion (10.7.3) and earlier. If you want to uninstall the plugin for some reason, it can be found at:</p>


<p>Deleting that folder and restarting Mail will uninstall TruePreview.</p>

<h2 style="font-size:1.1em;">Adjusting Mail Mark As Read Behavior from the Command Line</h2>

<p>If you’d rather not add a plugin to Mail app, you can also do some of this through the command line with defaults write commands, if you’re comfortable with that. Launch the Terminal</p>

<p>Set the delay to 2 seconds with the following:</p>

<p><code>defaults write com.apple.Mail MarkAsReadDelay 2 </code></p>

<p>Replace the two on the end with any number to change the delay to that many seconds. You can also remove the delay with the following defaults write command:</p>

<p><code>defaults write com.apple.Mail MarkAsReadDelay 0 </code></p>

<p>Return to the default setting with the following defaults delete command:</p>

<p><code>defaults delete com.apple.Mail MarkAsReadDelay </code></p>

<p>Removing the delay with these latter commands seems to only impact Conversation view, according to <a href="http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20120210155700943">Macworld</a>.</p>


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