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<div class="KonaBody"><p><img src="http://osxdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/mac-teacher-setup.jpg" alt="Mac teacher setup" title="mac-teacher-setup" width="620" height="442" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-28523" /></p>

<p>This Mac setup comes to us from Barry L, a high school computer science teacher in South Carolina. The Apple gear is used to teach AP Computer Science, Computer Programming, and Computer Science Research, and the classroom is gradually converting to Macs from a bunch of Dells running Windows XP, which will then be used to teach a class on iOS development this Fall. How awesome is that?</p>

<p>The hardware shown is split between the teachers personal gear and the schools, here’s what is on display:</p>


<li>Mac Mini (2011) with 8GB RAM connected to two displays</li>

<li>Dell 21″ LCD</li>

<li>LG 19″ LCD mirrored to 19 other displays around the room to show code</li>

<li>MacBook Air 13″ with 256GB SSD</li>

<li>iPad 2 32GB Wi-Fi</li>

<li>iPhone 4S 32GB</li>

<li>iPod touch 4th gen used for development</li>

<li>Apple Wireless Keyboard and Magic Trackpad</li>


<p>What you can’t see behind the desk is the the remainder of the classrooms gear, which are the aforementioned Dell workstations, a 21″ iMac (2011), two Mac Minis (2011), MacBook Pro (2010), MacBook Pro (2009), and two more iPod touch. </p>

<p>I don’t know about anyone else, but I think it’s pretty great that iOS development, let alone computer science, is being taught in a high school. The only computer class at my high school was a generic “keyboarding” course which focused on how to type (ooh!) and use MS Office (ahh!), talk about boring. </p>

<p><em>Enjoy reading our <a href="http://osxdaily.com/category/mac-setups/">Mac setup posts</a>? Want yours featured? Send in pictures of your Apple & Mac setups to osxdailycom@gmail.com and include some brief hardware details and what it’s used for.</em></p>


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