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doesn't recognize file system on removable usb device

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I have a removable usb drive that has been working fine on my old

machine. When I attach it to my another XP machine, it doesn't recognize

the file system and it always prompted whether I want to format it or not.


Does anyone know what the problem is?



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Guest C.Joseph Drayton

Re: doesn't recognize file system on removable usb device


OM wrote:

> I have a removable usb drive that has been working fine on my old

> machine. When I attach it to my another XP machine, it doesn't recognize

> the file system and it always prompted whether I want to format it or not.


> Does anyone know what the problem is?


> Thanks


Is the machine that DOESN'T recognize the thumbdrive FAT32

or NTFS? NTFS file system will read and write to both FAT32

and NTFS where-as FAT32 cannot read or write to NTFS natively.



C.Joseph Drayton, Ph.D. AS&T


CSD Computer Services


Web site: http://csdcs.site90.net/

E-mail: cjoseph@csdcs.site90.net


Re: doesn't recognize file system on removable usb device



The machine that the usb device attached to is a XP machine. It should

has not problem recognizing both partition types.


C.Joseph Drayton wrote:

> OM wrote:

>> I have a removable usb drive that has been working fine on my old

>> machine. When I attach it to my another XP machine, it doesn't

>> recognize the file system and it always prompted whether I want to

>> format it or not.


>> Does anyone know what the problem is?


>> Thanks


> Is the machine that DOESN'T recognize the thumbdrive FAT32 or NTFS? NTFS

> file system will read and write to both FAT32 and NTFS where-as FAT32

> cannot read or write to NTFS natively.


> Sincerely,

> C.Joseph Drayton, Ph.D. AS&T


> CSD Computer Services


> Web site: http://csdcs.site90.net/

> E-mail: cjoseph@csdcs.site90.net

Guest Master Blaster

Re: doesn't recognize file system on removable usb device


Your USB Drive, is it USB2?


If YES, on the machine with problems:


1) In BIOS Setup, check to see if your motherboard has USB2 support


2) In WinXP, open Device Manager, look in "Universal Serial Bus

controllers" and see if you have USB2 drivers installed


If #1 is the problem, you're out of luck.


#2, no USB2 drivers installed. You'll have to get them installed. You

need the Chipset Drivers for your motherboard. BUT there COULD be a

problem. I discovered that two Dell Desktop system at work did NOT have

USB2 drivers, but the motherboard DID support USB2. Downloaded the

Intel Chipset drivers from Dell. Ran the downloaded EXE, still no USB2



Went to the "source" Intel and read the instructions with the download

for the drivers. Turns out the download EXE is a package that is

extracted when ran, then only "SETUP.EXE" is executed. FROM Intel, you

need to run "SETUP.EXE -OVERALL" to overwrite the drivers installed by

Windows! Use WinZIP to extract the files from the download EXE, ran

"SETUP.EXE -OVERALL" on both Dells and they now have the USB2 drivers



Later, we discovered the exact same problem with Intel Chipset driver

install on a product we make (NOT Dell, not the same driver version).

The upshot is, Intel goofed; their Chipset installers should ALWAYS run

"SETUP.EXE -OVERALL" which they did do until this year.




Master Blaster

Computer System Specialist

IT Technician




"OM" <om@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message


> The machine that the usb device attached to is a XP machine. It should

> has not problem recognizing both partition types.


> C.Joseph Drayton wrote:


> > OM wrote:


> >> I have a removable usb drive that has been working fine on my old

> >> machine. When I attach it to my another XP machine, it doesn't

> >> recognize the file system and it always prompted whether I want to

> >> format it or not.

> >>

> >> Does anyone know what the problem is?

> >>

> >> Thanks

> >


> > Is the machine that DOESN'T recognize the thumbdrive FAT32 or NTFS? NTFS

> > file system will read and write to both FAT32 and NTFS where-as FAT32

> > cannot read or write to NTFS natively.

> >

> > Sincerely,

> > C.Joseph Drayton, Ph.D. AS&T

> >

> > CSD Computer Services

> >

> > Web site: http://csdcs.site90.net/

> > E-mail: cjoseph@csdcs.site90.net

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