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Guest BlueInCo



We are running a Windows 10 64-bit version in a VMware environment and we have installed OpenJDK 1.8 32-bit. When we launch a 32-bit app we depend on we get the good old could not reserve enough space error. I checked the default setting using java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal and found the default MaxHeapSize was set to 700MB and the app we require needs 1GB.


So, I tried setting _JAVA_OPTIONS to -Xmx1024m and it still fails. As a test I ran "java -Xmx1024m -version" from the command line and it fails too. If I run "java -Xmx512m -version" it succeeds. It's almost as if I can't set the max heap size to anything above 700MB. How to I get it to 1GB so the java app we require launches?







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