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Guest Aj Sehgal

Hi Gurus,




I am looking to find out if windows geo services write any logs or any logging can be enabled.




Service is set to manual (trigger start) so is there any way we can find out what application is actually starting the service.




When we go to Privacy Location Services It just has enable or disable button & only handful of standard apps like 3D Viewer, Camera, Cortana, maps , desktop app viewer, Edge, Skype where you can decide to use location services or not.




We have a specific enterprise apps which use this service to provide the gps details but that app is not listed in the standard apps above. We are having issues with triggered start as sometimes it starts with that app & some times it does not. So how dowe know if it is our app which actually triggers the start of geo location service & it is not something else which is triggering auto starts some time. Is there any way we can see some logs to check which app is actually starting the service or having issuesin starting it.




Looking forward to response.









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