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Hi all and thank you for your time and willingness to share your time and expertise.


My problems with my computer are several and varied. However I am going to ask now only about the latest one which showed up only today.


I use Firefox but I only know it is not the latest version. Right up to today Firefox worked just fine for me. I would double click the Firefox Icon on my desktop and in a minute or so I would get the GOOGLE page with flashing prompt and type in whatever and then start browsing. When I came to something I wanted to print I would go to the little orange box in the top lefthand corner of my screen and click once and I would get a range of choices and I would usually hit the "PRINT" button and get a printout of whatever i had in the screen (usually a Map).


Today however things changed. When I clicked on Firefox.Ispotted my little orange Firefox box appear MOMENTARILY in the top lefthand corner of the screen and keep on rising until it disappeared altogether and I was left with a screenful of GOOGLE only with no option to print-off anything.


Also I noticed that the top(task?) bar with the little arrow that allows you to go back to the previous page also disappeared. I found I could get the" go-back" arrow to reappear if I pushed the cursor to the very top of the page.But no joy with the little fox and so no printing !!


Sorry for being so long-winded,and do please remember that I picked the username "compumoron" for a reason!!.


Many thanks to anybody willing to take a little time with this.


I edited this to make it easier to read :) [ Ken-B ]

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Hi, welcome to the forum.


Hopefully this will be nice and easy, it sounds like Firefox is in full screen mode.


To rectify, open Firefox and wait until it has loaded.


Press F11 on your keyboard.


This should toggle full screen mode off.


For future reference, please leave a line or so after every other sentence when your posting- makes it loads easier to read!


Firefox Disappears


Dear Breat Gritain many thanks indeed for your speedy response. I have written down your instructions and have them in a safe accessible space.this prevents me from deleting them. I will need to refer to these instructions but only at some time in the future because the problem got sorted (DONT ASK ME HOW !) So I just wanted to say thanks (while phrasing my next Question/s ) P.S. YOU'RE RIGHT TOO ABOUT THE SPACING.NICE ONE

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