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hello ppl , my first time here ,this prob isnt a windows 8 issue but thats my system,when i connect to the net i can get on the likes of ebay or amazon no problem but if i try to connect to facebook it takes ages to load and thats if it loads at all , anyone know why ? my old pc was kind of the same just better !used to be if i went on early it was ok but not now just slow all the time now ,worse than dial up ever was :mad:
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Hi Graham and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.

I am not too familiar with Windows 8, however what you describe sounds more like a connection speed issue.


Can you tell us please how you connect to the internet, is it cable, the telephone ADSL, or wireless?


Next, lets see what connection speed you have, please run this and let us know the result from this link :-





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After all, no one knows everything and you may have the answer that someone needs.


I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄


hi pc is wired to the router adsl, tried the test says ping 53ms download speed seems to have stopped at 4.47 , but nothing seems to be happening anymore
tried another test still waiting on results ages now ,, even my email page aint going to open by the looks of it ,i can get on all pages on my phone no problem tho with the wifi

Hi Graham and welcome to ExTS


Download MBAM from here - click here - the FREE version.


Install - update ( important ) - run it.

Let MBAM delete anything it finds.


It will produce a log in Notepad.

Copy this and post it here please.

There is an email going around offering processed pork - gelatin - and salt in a can ......this is simply SPAM !!



Network Test

Wireless Test


here we go ..


Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Trial)




Database version: v2014.01.05.01



Windows 8 x64 NTFS

Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.16476

graham :: LOUNGE [administrator]



Protection: Enabled



05/01/2014 10:34:22

MBAM-log-2014-01-05 (10-43-35).txt



Scan type: Quick scan

Scan options enabled: Memory | Startup | Registry | File System | Heuristics/Extra | Heuristics/Shuriken | PUP | PUM

Scan options disabled: P2P

Objects scanned: 211476

Time elapsed: 3 minute(s), 41 second(s)



Memory Processes Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)



Memory Modules Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)



Registry Keys Detected: 22

HKCR\Speed Test (4354).BackgroundHostObject (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCR\Speed Test (4354).BackgroundHostObject.1 (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCR\Speed Test (4354).Navbar (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCR\Speed Test (4354).Navbar.1 (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCR\Speed Test (4354).ScriptHostObject (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCR\Speed Test (4354).ScriptHostObject.1 (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCR\Speed Test (4354).Tool (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCR\Speed Test (4354).Tool.1 (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCU\Software\1ClickDownload (PUP.Optional.1ClickDownload.A) -> No action taken.

HKCU\SOFTWARE\SWEETIM (PUP.Optional.SweetIM.A) -> No action taken.

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\Extensions\jljheddigenhleadfofeccneimcmlefp (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKLM\SOFTWARE\SWEETIM (PUP.Optional.SweetIM.A) -> No action taken.

HKCR\TypeLib\{3013E03D-89D5-4580-8560-DB198297CC29} (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCR\TypeLib\{B69509B5-4A90-4433-A2DE-BE439F6581F2} (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCR\CLSID\{E09EF104-3849-47F4-B005-A120558F3FEF} (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCR\TypeLib\{53FDCCB0-2404-4274-9002-5A3A1FD40426} (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCR\CLSID\{11C8C9C0-D918-44C0-8B5E-D297DA42F2C7} (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCR\TypeLib\{F2F1AE7C-149B-46D3-9498-12572C7AFE11} (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{11C8C9C0-D918-44C0-8B5E-D297DA42F2C7} (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Settings\{11C8C9C0-D918-44C0-8B5E-D297DA42F2C7} (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{11C8C9C0-D918-44C0-8B5E-D297DA42F2C7} (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Speed Test (4354) (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.



Registry Values Detected: 2

HKCU\Software\SweetIM|simapp_id (PUP.Optional.SweetIM.A) -> Data: 1590555984597090303 -> No action taken.

HKLM\Software\SweetIM|simapp_id (PUP.Optional.SweetIM.A) -> Data: 1590555984597090303 -> No action taken.



Registry Data Items Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)



Folders Detected: 5

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Local\Temp\CT3317209 (PUP.Optional.Conduit.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Roaming\freegames4357 (PUP.Optional.FreeGames.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Roaming\speedtest4354 (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354) (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\mz (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.



Files Detected: 52

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Local\Temp\nsb2B2B.exe (PUP.Optional.SearchProtect.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Local\Temp\nsh6EC4.exe (PUP.Optional.SearchProtect.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Local\Temp\nsm94AD.exe (PUP.Optional.SearchProtect.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Local\Temp\nsv6C61.exe (PUP.Optional.SearchProtect.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Local\Temp\nsw92C8.exe (PUP.Optional.SearchProtect.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Local\Temp\SPSetup.exe (PUP.Optional.Conduit.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Local\Temp\Сodec Performer803975.exe (PUP.Optional.InstallBrain.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Windows\Temp\nsmBB71.exe (PUP.Optional.SearchProtect.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Windows\Temp\nssA364.exe (PUP.Optional.SearchProtect.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\Downloads\WinRAR_TSV43NS3.exe (PUP.Optional.OpenCandy) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Local\Temp\CT3317209\ddt.csf (PUP.Optional.Conduit.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Roaming\freegames4357\freegames4357.crx (PUP.Optional.FreeGames.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Roaming\freegames4357\freegames4357DeskTopIcon.ico (PUP.Optional.FreeGames.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Roaming\freegames4357\install_helper.exe (PUP.Optional.FreeGames.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Roaming\speedtest4354\install_helper.exe (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Roaming\speedtest4354\speedtest4354.crx (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Users\graham\AppData\Roaming\speedtest4354\speedtest4354DeskTopIcon.ico (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\AddonsFramework.Typelib.dll (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\AddonsFramework.Typelib64.dll (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\background.html (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\BackgroundHost.exe (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\BackgroundHost64.exe (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\bg.js (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\ButtonSite.dll (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\ButtonSite64.dll (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\config.xml (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\content.js (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon128.ico (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon128.png (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon16.ico (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon16.png (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon18.ico (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon18.png (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon24.ico (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon24.png (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon32.ico (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon32.png (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon48.ico (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon48.png (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon64.ico (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\icon64.png (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\jquery-1.9.1.min.js (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\json2.min.js (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\options.htm (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\ScriptHost.dll (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\ScriptHost64.dll (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\uninst.exe (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\uninstall.exe (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\updater.js (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\updaterWrapper.js (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\mz\background.js (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Speed Test (4354)\mz\content.js (PUP.Optional.SpeedTest.A) -> No action taken.





Hi Graham


You have a lot of "Potentially Unwanted Programs" ..... not necessarily bad.


You did not let MBAM deal with these ............ "No action taken"


Please run the scan again then when MBAM is finished make sure a tick is next to all items found then click on "Remove Selected"


post the new log please and one of our security experts will advise further :)

There is an email going around offering processed pork - gelatin - and salt in a can ......this is simply SPAM !!



Network Test

Wireless Test


hi yeah thought i had sent that too soon ,running now


Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Trial)




Database version: v2014.01.05.01



Windows 8 x64 NTFS

Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.16476

graham :: LOUNGE [administrator]



Protection: Enabled



05/01/2014 13:00:32

mbam-log-2014-01-05 (13-00-32).txt



Scan type: Quick scan

Scan options enabled: Memory | Startup | Registry | File System | Heuristics/Extra | Heuristics/Shuriken | PUP | PUM

Scan options disabled: P2P

Objects scanned: 211385

Time elapsed: 3 minute(s), 21 second(s)



Memory Processes Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)



Memory Modules Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)



Registry Keys Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)



Registry Values Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)



Registry Data Items Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)



Folders Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)



Files Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)





Nothing in the report to suggest a problem with certain sites.

What browser are you using, just IE11 or something else?

Have you tried using a different browser to see if the problem is the same?

Member of:


hi ,i use google and ie11, but belive it or not its actually running better now ,the MBAM prog has stopped me from accessing seventorrents.com ,as it thinks its a threat ,reckon i will avoid it as pc is ok now , thanks for your help guys

Oh dear ......

If you are using torrent software then you are asking for trouble.

This is a known source of malware / virus.


Starbuck can give you much more information.

There is an email going around offering processed pork - gelatin - and salt in a can ......this is simply SPAM !!



Network Test

Wireless Test

so i should stay clear of torrent sites then ?

P2P Warning

Please note that as long as you're using any form of Peer-to-Peer networking ( Frostwire, Ares, Bit Torrent etc.) and downloading files from non-documented sources, you can expect infestations of malware to occur.

Once upon a time, P2P file sharing was fairly safe. That is no longer true.

P2P programmes form a direct conduit onto your computer, their security measures are easily circumvented, and Malware writers are increasingly exploiting them to spread their wares onto your computer. Further to that, if your P2P programme is not configured correctly you may be sharing more files than you realise. There have been cases where people's Passwords, Address Books and other personal, private, and financial details have been exposed to the file sharing network by a badly configured programme.


Many of the programmes come bundled with other unwanted programmes, but even the ones free of any bundled software are not safe to use.

When you use them you are downloading software from an unknown source directly onto your computer, bypassing your Firewall and Anti-Virus software. Hardly surprising then that many of these Downloads are being targeted to carry infections.


The new variant of Cryptolocker lurks on file-sharing sites, pretending to be an "activator" that verifies pirated copies of programs like Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Office.

Victims trying to get those paid software products for free will run the "activators," infecting themselves and copying the malware onto any USB drives that are subsequently plugged into their machines.


You may decide to continue P2P sharing, but keep in mind that this practice may be the source of future malware infestation.

Member of:


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