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This is just to keep you in the picture please dont start another disusion

Those of you who have been following my sp1 thread, it has bested us and the desision/conclusion is there is no other way without re installling factory set up to get it working.

Looks like there is 2 win 7 one with sp1 and one without.


I have managed to repair an old lap top which allowes me to play with the knowledge I have gained and not care if I ba**s it up.


Using this new learned knowhow I want to help my mate who has a loptop that has no backup or no repair progs or disks.

Can you please guide me through making a rescue disk and making a SIMPLE AUTO FREE BACKUP he does very little on it but keeps daily records..






My 3D pictures need red cyan glasses to view

medion MD8855,Win 7 IE8, Firefox/3, Avast,MS security essentials, NERO 9,malware bytes.Mailwasher pro ,6.54,Roboform,spybot S&D 1.6, Canon ixus 860 X 2,PS CS5

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Hi Bob, if your friend has or can buy an external hard drive and hopefully a disk drive to burn a rescue CD, you can at least make a full image backup using Macrium as described in the previous thread which you did for yours.


As I said in that thread, you can make full backups on a regular basis depending on his use, if for example he is like you doing lots of photography, then a backup fairly regularly, if on the other hand, only using it for internet use and mail then it doesn't need to be quite as frequent if not much data is being collected and stored.


Some will recommend keeping the very first image as the one to fall back to should everything go wrong or other backups aren't successful. However the next backup is only needed to be kept till another backup is made and then delete the previous one, or at most keep the two most recent backups.


For incremental backups which are really only needed if data is constantly being added, changed, or deleted daily, in which case an incremental backup at the end of each day. Something like a business where things are constantly changing is where incremental backup is best.


That sort of backup only adds the new stuff to the main backup each time it runs. Macrium can do it I think, however I am not sure about how to set it up or it might only be available with the full paid for version, you may be best to read what Macrium have to say about it if incremental backups are required as I haven't done any or looked into it.



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I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄



Thank you Nev.

I understand what you are telling me.(I think)

He could burn a rescue cd/dvd no prob but i doubth if he would bother going to a hard drive.

It would not matter if Frank lost all his programmes he could always replace those legaly.

Could he not make a Backup of all his INFORMATION on to a few disks or stick he keeps a record of his blood pressure and gas and electric gmails.

His interest in computing is very limited. He uses a tablet for just about everything he wants but I would rather him keep his records on his laptop. From your explanation he would not need incremental backups.



BTW does FPCH have a spellchecker.





My 3D pictures need red cyan glasses to view

medion MD8855,Win 7 IE8, Firefox/3, Avast,MS security essentials, NERO 9,malware bytes.Mailwasher pro ,6.54,Roboform,spybot S&D 1.6, Canon ixus 860 X 2,PS CS5


If he does have a DVD drive and most of what he needs to keep is documentation, indeed he just needs to gather it together and put it on a DVD disk, if he wants to add or delete stuff, a rewritable DVD may be enough as they are usually OK with simple data, and do have a lot more space available than an ordinary CD. Document type data takes up very little space in any case.



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I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄



Thanks Nev that is roughly what I told him to do a while ago.He willo now protect his DOCS on to dvd R.




My 3D pictures need red cyan glasses to view

medion MD8855,Win 7 IE8, Firefox/3, Avast,MS security essentials, NERO 9,malware bytes.Mailwasher pro ,6.54,Roboform,spybot S&D 1.6, Canon ixus 860 X 2,PS CS5

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