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Just as the title says, whatever your present system is, Windows 7 or 8.1, do make sure you have either a full image of your system on an external hard drive or a clone on a separate hard drive, or at the very least a full copy of your operating system on disk or flash drive.


Like a few others I have seen reported, I am one of those unlucky enough to have suffered a failure to install on my laptop, the end result was that nothing worked. It wouldn't or couldn't even go back to the previous operating system.

I am now glad that I practice what I preach and have used an image to restore the laptop back to what it was a few months since.


To get Windows 10 it would seem that it is better to by pass the automatic procedure that comes with the normal Windows updates and download Windows 10 directly from the Microsoft site.

You can do so from here :-




Just follow the instructions on that page and download to your desktop, you can install directly from there, or make a copy to either a disk or flash drive for use later.



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I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄


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