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Re: Itunes.exe


hi there, i have a problem with my friends ipod shuffle trying to download

itunes 7 worked on my pc for my ipod but half way through downloading it on

my friends pc sends an error win32ex apllication. what does this mean what do

i do where do i turn too for help. not sure what to do never even been on

this site before.. plz help



"Lem" wrote:

> The latest version of iTunes (4.9) has created problems for a great many

> people. IIRC, you should have received a CD with your iPod with some

> version of iTunes on it. I suggest that you install iTunes from the CD

> and NOT download version 4.9.


> Go to http://tinyurl.com/7nyuf and read some of the horror stories. If

> for some reason, that link doesn't work, go to http://www.apple.com, click on

> "support" then click on "discussions." Then scroll down to "Windows

> Compatible Technology" and click on "iTunes for Windows." Finally,

> select the discussion group "Installation & Upgrades."


> If you read long enough, you will find some suggestions to use the

> Microsoft Installer Cleanup Utility, available at

> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;290301


> I have not used that, so have no info on whether it will help in your

> situation. It probably can't hurt.


> If you insist on attempting to install iTunes 4.9, be sure that you have

> System Restore turned on and make a restore point before you start.

> This saved me, although others have reported that iTunes 4.9 broke

> System Restore -- so a Ghost or other image of your hard drive would be

> preferable.


> Turn off any antivirus program before you install (some users report

> that some a/v apps think that iTunes has a Trojan of some sort; I have

> Norton a/v 2005 with latest sigs, and got no such indication).


> If you have any CD/DVD playing/burning software installed (e.g., Roxio

> Easy CD Creator or Easy Media Creator, MusicMatch, RealPlayer), be

> prepared for the possibility of a loss of functionality. In my case, my

> CD and DVD drives were recognized ONLY by iTunes (i.e., not even

> accessible by Windows Explorer). If this happens to you (and you can't

> recover using System Restore or a drive image), either uninstall and

> reinstall your OTHER CD/DVD software (not iTunes) and/or follow the

> steps in MSKB 314060.


> Good luck.


> mcimine wrote:

> > I recently purchased an Ipod, but have been unable to download and install

> > Itunes.exe. I get an error that reads something like "InstallShield runtime

> > error". I have also tried to download Quicktime, but I cannot do that either.

> > Any suggestions as to how to fix this?


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