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I use OE6 and have been for some time. Recently, however, it has developed a peculiar problem. If someone sends me an email and I use the reply option, when I press send after adding my bit to the mail, OE closes down without sending the mail. This has got worse, as now, the same thing happens and the original email gets deleted. This has also started happening when I try to print an email and, just now, it happened when I 'pressed' the "To:" button to access the Address Book on starting to Create an email. It doesn't do this every time which is even more baffling, but it is getting more frequent. The only software I have added recently is Zone Alarm Security Suite but the problems did not start immediately on using that.


Any ideas anyone?

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Hi tonko


Try to disable Zone Alarm and then test your E-mail.


What version of Internet Explorer do you have and is it Windows XP?


Do you have any other anti-virus installed?



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Hi Maynardvdm


I am running IE7.0 and XP Prof. I will try without Zone Alarm running, but is that wise in the long run?




This is just to isolate the problem. Do you have another anti-virus program installed?



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I have SUPERAntispyware, Malwarebytes and Spybot installed alongside ZA, but only ZA is constantly 'monitoring' (I think) to avoid conflict. I will run scans using all of them to see if anything is picked up.


The problem with the problem(!) is that it occurs inconsistently so if I did temporarily disable ZA and everything works fine I would still not know for sure if the problem is attibutable to ZA. I suppose I could try it over a period then switch ZA back on and see then.


As far as i know, ZA is only a firewall and not a anti-virus program. I'd do those scans also. I would also recommend having a "real time" anti-virus program. I would recommend NOD32 (but its NOT free), a free one would be Avast (though not nearly as good as NOD32).


Tell us how it goes and we'll give you further assistance.



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Thanks. I'll let you know.


The Zone Alarm Security Suite is actually a firewall, anti-virus, anti-spyware "on all the time" scanner amongst other things, and I also frequently run the other scanners. So I'll be annoyed if something has got through!


If the problem is with OE, is there any way of re-loading OE only, without the rest of the MS suite? I'd probably have problems getting the download from the MS site as it seems to think my copy of Windows is pirated, even though it isn't ( I had to jump through all sorts of hoops to get rid of the "Genuine Validation" alert or whatever it is called).

Guest Wolfeymole

Before we go any further on this tonko we need to know exactly why you are receiving these validation messages.

What have you done recently that results in receiving these messages?

After months, years even, of having automatic Windows updates switched on and working fine, the powers that be suddenly decided (about a year ago) that my copy of Windows is not genuine. It's ridiculous because it came as part of a company package and nobody else in the company has problems. It just doesn't seem to like the particular installation on my PC. After that, every time I booted up I got some message that paused the process and asked me to purchase a "genuine version". The message also popped up from time to time while the PC was in use. I got nowhere with MS despite entering the same Licence number as my colleagues so I just gave up and decided to wait until we need to get the IT guys in for a more pressing reason and let them sort it out (at £100/hour or whatever). Looks like that time is approaching! I can't remember too much but I had to fiddle around in Command mode while in safe mode to get rid of the pop-up, but it worked in the end.
Guest Wolfeymole

It sounds to me like your company bought XP under a volume license which would have allowed the same keycode to be used on X amount of pc's.

These should then have been activated via your IT department and there should be no reason why you are getting these messages.


The only other way to perhaps receive those messages would be if you had made large hardware changes thereby resulting in Microsoft thinking your trying to install XP on a new system.


You have not mentioned this at all.


You have not stated exactly what Microsoft said in response except that you got nowhere with them.


I think you have an illegal copy of XP Tonko and, as is stated in the rules, we cannot offer any further help on this matter.


I'm afraid this thread is closed.

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