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The one in the egg?


Looks delicious. :D

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Hey, that was not "Photoshopped Animals", it was a look into the

furure to the year 3000 after man got deeply involved into genetic

engineering. Ponder that. ;)



Sounds like fun. Plenty of delicious treats.

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Hey, that was not "Photoshopped Animals", it was a look into the

furure to the year 3000 after man got deeply involved into genetic

engineering. Ponder that. ;)




Hi Pete,


I think genetic engineering will be a given in a few years. That will be followed by mechanical replacements for human organs.


Eventually, the human body will be replaced by mechanical limbs and organs with organic brains . Said brains will connect by wire to others, followed by a wireless connection.


Gene Roddenberry was right on the mark: BORG

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Hi Pete,


I think genetic engineering will be a given in a few years. That will be followed by mechanical replacements for human organs.


Eventually, the human body will be replaced by mechanical limbs and organs with organic brains . Said brains will connect by wire to others, followed by a wireless connection.


I'm thinking that we just scratched the surface on genetic engineering,

so it will take another 100 years to master that science. In the meantime,

mechanical body parts will be the standard practice. Over time, the

mechanical body parts will become old school as genetic engineering

comes to the forefront enabling people to regenerate new body parts



Cut off my arm? No problemo! I'll grow a new one. :)


Go to the pet store and order an exotic pet that is a cross between

a dog and a cat. Order it by color, disposition, size, etc..


Then one day all this genetic manipulaton goes wrong and ends

up wiping out the entire human race, except for a select few.

Those select few say... "It's not wise to fool with mother nature!"




Well said Pete. My biggest concern is if this Technology gets into the wrong hands,and it will eventually,if there is a Dollar to be made.

What then?:eek:

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.



Before go crying doom in our lifetime, consider the cost.


People love money, and if they can do something cheaper with spare humans, than with technology, by God they'll do it. :D

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Guest Wolfeymole
The words Soylent and Green spring to mind here. :(
Guest CrazyComputerMan
The words Soylent and Green spring to mind here. :(

Have we photoshop the cute Wolfey? :D

Before go crying doom in our lifetime, consider the cost.


People love money, and if they can do something cheaper with spare humans, than with technology, by God they'll do it. :D


JEBW, not in our life time, unless someome here lives another 100 years

from now. Can you imagine being offered the opportunity to clone yourself

and have that spare body in cold storage to be havested for replacement



That's one scenario, but what I was referring to in my post was geneitic

engineering mastered to the point of being able to regenerate your own

body parts. Imagine having a mechanical heart while your body generates

a brand new heart to replace the one removed. It may be possibile

someday, but I fear the day when they go against nature and begin

producing hybrid beings by combining species that were never intended

to be combined (by nature, God or whatever your beliefs) such as the

creatures in pics of the original post in this thread. This is where things

could go drastically wrong and have a devistating impact on the human




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