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Wondering, how many new Members, are registering every week,on average.

For all your hard work,this Site is really taking off.

I read it's the No 5 Tech site in the UK.

Well done.

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.


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Guest Reg Edit
  DSTM said:
Wondering, how many new Members, are registering every week,on average.

For all your hard work,this Site is really taking off.

I read it's the No 5 Tech site in the UK.

Well done.


Can I ask you where you read that? ;)


Yes Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help is growing at a good rate.


Thanks for the kind words Doug.


And let me say at this point Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Reg Edit. :p


Enjoy the forums :)



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Guest Wolfeymole

Unfortunately Dougie you are incorrect.


Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help is ranked Number One on Google when utilising Google UK.


The home page is currently undergoing a makeover.


Yeah,I got it wrong, but decided not to edit, my original Post.

Any mention, in any PC Magazine, is a bonus.IMO.Thanks for setting me straight,Wolfey.:)

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.


Guest Wolfeymole

No it's fine Doug


All Reg Edit needs to do is tap PC Help or obviously FPCH into Google and it will return this site.

Guest Reg Edit
  Wolfeymole said:
Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help is ranked Number One on Google when utilising Google UK.

It says down at the bottom of the main page, '216 active users' :confused:


Obviously an error I guess, if this is the top UK site.

Guest Wolfeymole

You have obviously checked the ranking, either that or you don't know how to.

I admire your loyalty.

Posted (edited)

I read on the VBULLETIN Forum,Version 3.7.0 was to have new Smilies.

Is this right, or haven't they been imported yet?

Edited by DSTM

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.


Guest Wolfeymole

Smilies are not important to the general overall bearing of the forum Doug, they are an addition of no real importance.


Remember this is predominantly a Tech Forum and not a place that is over run by gesticulations from members who really don't give a monkeys toss regarding the welfare of the forum.


Point Taken,Wolfey.We have witnessed the insane use of Smilies.

Realize this is first and foremost a Tech Forum,however I feel we should be given a choice.I feel they have a place in the "Fun Stuff" Forum.

I don't advocate the use of them in the tech forums,except to indicate a thankyou or small smiling face whatever.:)

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.


Guest Wolfeymole
I have no issue with smilies on the fun section Dougie or a Welcome smilie or a Happy Birthday smilie but that's where it stops.
Guest Wolfeymole
  DSTM said:
Wondering, how many new Members, are registering every week,on average.

For all your hard work,this Site is really taking off.

I read it's the No 5 Tech site in the UK.

Well done.


Here's the stats for the last 2 years by registrations per month Dougie, the figures cannot be manipulated and do not lie.



WOW,That Graph is really impressive.Thanks for putting it together,Wolfey.

Just shows, what can be achieved, with hard work,a united effort,the correct mix,and the right decisions being made.

Mike, has to be happy with this Graph.

Congratulations to all concerned. Well Done Guys.:)

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.


Guest Wolfeymole
Mike is extremely happy Doug and what you said in your second sentence is absolutely spot on mate. :)
Guest Reg Edit
  Wolfeymole said:
..All Reg Edit needs to do is tap PC Help or obviously Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help into Google and it will return this site.
Well duh, it would be odd if it put up something with a different name ahead wouldnt it?

I dont see what that proves tbh. :eek:

  Reg Edit said:
Well duh, it would be odd if it put up something with a different name ahead wouldnt it?

I dont see what that proves tbh. :eek:

Just a handful of keywords and phrases which Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help is being found under on the first page of Google. Most of them we are very high up in positions, mainly 1st, 2nd or 3rd.


pc help - 1st

free pc help - 1st

pc help forum - 7th

pc help at home - 3rd

free pc support - 2nd

free pc help forum - 2nd

help with pc - 3rd


With the Search Engine Optimization work we have planned i expect we will be found on even more popular phrases in the coming months.

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We are all members helping other members.

Please return here where you may be able to help someone else.

After all, no one knows everything and you may have the answer that someone needs.

Posted (edited)
  Reg Edit said:
Well duh, it would be odd if it put up something with a different name ahead wouldnt it?

I dont see what that proves tbh. :eek:


Several of your posts on this forum are bordering on rudeness, which is not tolerated at THIS forum. Consider this your only warning.

Edited by help4me

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Guest Reg Edit
  help4me said:
Several of your posts on this forum are bordering on rudeness, which is not tolerated at THIS forum. Consider this your only warning.

I simply stated a FACT.

Does this forum gag people for speaking the truth?




There was nothing rude in what I said.

[i already discovered my posts are censored; what happened to free speech?]

Guest Wolfeymole

You wish to appear to be all sweetness and light whereas in fact you use sarcasm at every turn.

It is my firm belief that you are trolling Reg Edit, continue to do so and I will take action.

This is your last chance.


Reg Edit;

Out of context your above posts in this thread seem to be nothing more then criticism with no merit just for the sake of having a voice. That is the best thing I can say about them.


I will not debate your statetments of "facts" or your free speech rights. There is no merit as you well know. This is an open forum for all but not if you have a hidden agenda. What that is I don't know but it seems you have one.


You have started no threads. You have only supplied negative comments to previously existing threads since you joined.


This is a computer help forum. Since you have joined you have not offered any advice on any subject related to computers. All you have done is bash the forum, moderators and administrators.


Not only that but it appears you have also chosen to closely immitate my avatar. I know it's slightly different and it does happen with members that create their own but I'm an Administrator and you are a new member. I doubt this is by chance.


All things considered I think everything you have done is deliberate and is meant to disrupt the forum.


At any time you could have offered constructive comments if you disagreed with us and done it in a polite manner but instead you have deliberately persisted to be borderline rude.


You have been warned by Private Message. You have been warned on the forum. Yet you persist via trying to keep your comments just inside the rules. You missed a rule though. You have been rude. If not to the members then to the forum.


As I feel your only intention on being here is to disrupt or confuse the members and not help you will no longer be welcome here.




We are all members helping other members. Please return here where you may be able to help someone else. After all, no one knows everything and you may have the answer that someone needs.

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