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Warning before they've nested a file too deep

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I believe the issue is that a folder is more than 255 characters in entire

depth of the folder name e.g. c:\user info\templates for 2007\client

templates\master library....

and Windows pretty much won't let you copy files there etc. Is there a way

to have a 2003 R2 server to scans to make sure folders aren't beyond a

certain length?



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Guest Olaf Engelke [MVP Windows Server]

Re: Warning before they've nested a file too deep



"Boe" <boe_d@hotmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


>I believe the issue is that a folder is more than 255 characters in entire

>depth of the folder name e.g. c:\user info\templates for 2007\client

>templates\master library....

> and Windows pretty much won't let you copy files there etc. Is there a

> way to have a 2003 R2 server to scans to make sure folders aren't beyond a

> certain length?


it's 260 chars, and it's annoying, The problem isn't in NTFS, but in the

Windows Explorer. (Some applications are able to create deeper pathes, and a

mapped network drive, which is settled on a share located deep in the

servers directory structure already, will give the clients explorer the same

depth again on top.

AFAIK there is no way with current Windows Server releases to get a warning


(Better would be to lift the limit on the Windows Explorer, but this can

only be done by Microsoft, or have the users using less word rich folder and

file names.)

Best greetings from Germany


Guest Pegasus \(MVP\)

Re: Warning before they've nested a file too deep



"Boe" <boe_d@hotmail.com> wrote in message


>I believe the issue is that a folder is more than 255 characters in entire

>depth of the folder name e.g. c:\user info\templates for 2007\client

>templates\master library....

> and Windows pretty much won't let you copy files there etc. Is there a

> way to have a 2003 R2 server to scans to make sure folders aren't beyond a

> certain length?


> Thanks



You can use the Task Scheduler to run the batch file below once every

night to scan your folders. Set "Limit" to whatever value you think is

reasonable, e.g. 230, 240 or 250.


Invoke the batch file with the name of the drive or folder you wish to

scan, e.g. like so:


c:\PathLength.bat d:\


@echo off

set Limit=240

if not %1]==] set Folder=%1


echo> c:\LongPath.vbs Option Explicit

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs Dim objArgs, ObjFSO, objStream, ObjFldr, ObjWshShell,


echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs Dim StdOut, ComSpec, Folder, line, L, Max, MaxLine

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs Set ObjFSO =


echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs Set ObjWshShell =


echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs Set StdOut = WScript.StdOut

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs Folder = ObjFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(objFldr)

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs If objArgs.Count ^> 0 Then Folder = objArgs(0)

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs ComSpec =


echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs Set ObjExec = ObjWshShell.Exec(ComSpec ^& " /c dir /s

/b " ^& """" ^& Folder ^& """")

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs Max=0

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs line = ObjExec.StdOut.ReadLine

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs While Len(line) ^> 0

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs L = Len(line)

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs if L ^> %Limit% then WScript.Echo(L ^& " " ^& line)

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs if L ^> Max then

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs Max = L

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs MaxLine = line

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs end if

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs line = ObjExec.StdOut.ReadLine

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs Wend

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs WScript.Echo("")

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs WScript.Echo("Longest Folder + File:")

echo>> c:\LongPath.vbs WScript.Echo(Max ^& " " ^& MaxLine)

cscript //nologo c:\LongPath.vbs %Folder%

del c::\LongPath.vbs

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