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Lol - I forgot it was a 2600 Pro (bit early in the morn for me yet :p)

take it that you game on just one of those screens??

Intel Q6600 @ 4Ghz (Watercooled)

Asus P5K premium black pearl

4GB OCZ Reaper 8500



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Guest Wolfeymole
Very nice Dave, is the middle pic the Server?
Nice setup Dalo ^^, and hehe yea Dalo hah, i play on the middle on...normally have MSN / teamspeak or ventrilo running on the left, and a web browser/music player on the right :D, laptops just for work mostly =), guna grab some sleep now lol not slept haha, cu guys later :)
  Wolfeymole said:
Very nice Dave, is the middle pic the Server?


Yes - I use it more for gaming though :D

and the 3rd is the side of it and inside is all custom by me.

Intel Q6600 @ 4Ghz (Watercooled)

Asus P5K premium black pearl

4GB OCZ Reaper 8500



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  • 10 months later...

My entertainment system. Blu ray player in the media centre pc to the right of the Sony Bravia 1080p 24P screen wired upto a Denon Home Theatre amp and 8 speakers :) Its also rigged upto a projector and just above the Sony is a 100" screen :)





The other end of the room is my office ill take a full pic tomorrow in daylight

Q9550 P5Q pro mobo 4 gig pc8500 ATI 4870 Scythe CPU cooler Vista X64 5 HDDs 3 optical OCZ modular psu
  maynardvdm said:
Wow Randy. That is neat.


What does it look like after you worked on it :D:p


Hahahahaha..............That's a good one.


@ Randy, do you suffer from OCD??

Nothing increases productivity like the last minute.......


"...How years ago in days of old

When magic filled the air,

'Twas in the darkest depths of Mordor

I met a girl so fair,

But Gollum, and the Evil One crept up

And slipped away with her..."_Ramble On




The computer itself is the other side of the wall. Mains switch this side. Start and reboot button wires have been extended and brought through the wall to micro-switches. My way of attaining a quiet computer.

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Computer: Intel i5 CPU|8GB RAM|Windows 8.1.1 64-bit|Sandboxie|Qihoo 360 Total Security|Firefox|Chrome|150 Mbps cable broadband.

Very nice setup zingle and wellies. ;)



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RaidMax Smilodon Gaming Case | Gigabyte Z77X-UD5H M/B | Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.4GHz | 8GB Corsair RAM | Nvidia GTX550 Ti 1GB GDDR5 | Corsair 800w PSU






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Guest Wolfeymole

My latest configuration.




Some nice set ups there folks. I will have to tidy up a little before I show you mine, too many bits of paper, odd CDs and stacks of DVDs, pens, empty glasses and mugs, plus some just general junk in the way at the moment.


Funny thing is, I am untidy by nature, but the content of my hard drive and all files are as tidy as you could want. Everything named and in the appropriate place. I must be weird or something :D

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I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄



A mixture of railway stuff and brass band on those that have been used, the rest are stacks of new ones and CDs in their stacks as well.

The new ones will soon get used over the summer period, what with brass band marches and parades the band is booked to do, plus a lot of railway stuff I have taken in the past that is still on backup on the external HD.

No there is nothing naughty of any kind. Not even the odd film or two, they are either bought or came free with the newspaper.

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I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄


Guest Wolfeymole
Bugger I'll have to photoshop my Baccy tin out of my pic lol. :D:D
  GreyCell1988 said:
ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 PRO - Overview


It's a bit customized however, shop down the road from me does real cool stuff with components and sells em of for fair prices...never went wrong with em ;)



are you running 3 screens off that card?

Q9550 P5Q pro mobo 4 gig pc8500 ATI 4870 Scythe CPU cooler Vista X64 5 HDDs 3 optical OCZ modular psu
  Wolfeymole said:
Bugger I'll have to photoshop my Baccy tin out of my pic lol. :D:D

It's a very nicely decorated baccy tin. :)

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Computer: Intel i5 CPU|8GB RAM|Windows 8.1.1 64-bit|Sandboxie|Qihoo 360 Total Security|Firefox|Chrome|150 Mbps cable broadband.

  • 1 year later...

hey Guys.

I have a mini keyboard which i controll my pc from wirelessly but mostly play games on the couch... Comfy!!! Here's a pic

42'' screen... Looks overkill but i tell you, aint nothing better than killing life size zombies on the couch.haha

Also have a 19'' tucked away for work stuff and my gaming keyboard plugged in for tonight's Left for dead zombi-athlon.lol


asus p5n7a-vm Hybrid SLI

Asus 9600 512mb DDR3

Intel E7200 2.5 GHz



I need to update mine, I have a 15U server rack now :D

and some additional PCs :)

Intel Q6600 @ 4Ghz (Watercooled)

Asus P5K premium black pearl

4GB OCZ Reaper 8500



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The space is between the built in wardrobes.

The space was meant to be for the bed.... but some idiot built it for a double bed and then went and bought a 'King size' one. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/207/e/8/Yahoo_Bang_Head_Emoticon_by_WhiteDragon1983.gif


You'll have to excuse the 'orbs' in the pic.

Don't think we've ever taken pics in this house without any showing.


We are not alone! :D

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Nice setup and wood work Starbuck.


Dalo Harkin you can also update your album pics. You know I will approve them as soon as I can.


9600gt you have a 42 inch monitor? :eek: I am so envious. :)

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here is mine the messy one :D


32 inch tv for the box and 17 inch for the laptop :D


Surround sound for the best sound




“It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.”

― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club




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haha yes. It is great to have especially with my dvd collection & games. I do use a smaller screen for work tgough... Headaches = 42'' + work

asus p5n7a-vm Hybrid SLI

Asus 9600 512mb DDR3

Intel E7200 2.5 GHz


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