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New TS on an SBS2003 network, general questions

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Guest Rosewood

I've been working with SBS2003 for a few years now, but I've never had to

deploy a Terminal Server. I realize that some of these questions are very

basic, but I appreciate the feedback all the same.


On the hardware side of things, the white paper seems a bit outdated so it

seems like I don't need much hardware for only 9 people connecting in and

actively using the system at the same time.


On the software side of things, I just need Server 2003 correct? I can

purchase this from any vendor (a la Newegg). As for the actual TS licenses,

what exactly would I need for 9 people that will be connecting remotely?


I've found many great resources for SBS2003, any good community focused

sites for TS?


Also, what big upgrades should I be looking for when Server 2008 comes out?

Should I consider using Server 2008 B3 for this?


Thanks in advance.

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Re: New TS on an SBS2003 network, general questions




The hardware that is required is entirely dependant on what software

your users will be using and how they use it. In *general* 9 concurrent

users will not require much power, considering that a "typical" server

today has at a minimum 4GB RAM, multi-core CPU(s), and

10K or 15K hard drives with hardware RAID. You should test to

get a sense of the peak RAM/CPU usage your mix of applications



If users will be accessing the applications from another physical location

then bandwidth is a factor as well.


As for software you need a Server 2003 license, Windows CALs

(in your case SBS CALs instead), and TS CALs for each user or

device. Also you need proper licenses for the software that the users

will be running, for example, if they will use any of the MS Office

applications then you will need an Office license for each physical device.


I would also recommend you consider purchasing Software Assurance

on your 2003 Server license, Windows CALs, and TS CALs so

that you will be entitled to upgrade to Server 2008.




Rosewood wrote:

> I've been working with SBS2003 for a few years now, but I've never

> had to deploy a Terminal Server. I realize that some of these

> questions are very basic, but I appreciate the feedback all the same.


> On the hardware side of things, the white paper seems a bit outdated

> so it seems like I don't need much hardware for only 9 people

> connecting in and actively using the system at the same time.


> On the software side of things, I just need Server 2003 correct? I

> can purchase this from any vendor (a la Newegg). As for the actual

> TS licenses, what exactly would I need for 9 people that will be

> connecting remotely?


> I've found many great resources for SBS2003, any good community

> focused sites for TS?


> Also, what big upgrades should I be looking for when Server 2008

> comes out? Should I consider using Server 2008 B3 for this?


> Thanks in advance.

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