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What is the close_down.exe?

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Re: What is the close_down.exe?


"Ingeborg" <a@b.invalid> wrote in message


> Adrian wrote:


>> "Ingeborg" <a@b.invalid> wrote in message

>> news:Xns99A4613302B27abinvalid@

>> <snipped>

> I hope you mean WakeOnLan. It's a sevice supported by the BIOS, and both

> the motherboard and the NIC have to support it. In case of a seperate NIC

> a 2 wire line has to be connected between NIC and Mobo. See your mobo

> manual for details.


> To wake up a computer, you need a special program, which sends a special

> packet to the MAC address of the NIC. (Not to the IP address, since

> TCP/IP is a high level protocol, not provided by the BIOS). You can find

> lots of freeware programs for this. One of them:

> <http://gammadyne.com/cmdline.htm#wol>



> A note to your QBasic program:

> Did you realize that you should write the file before naming it? When

> your program does basically this:


> Create command.bat

> WriteTo command.bat

> Close command.bat


> it is possible that Win98Stop tries to execute the batch file between

> Create and WriteTo. What happens then is dependend of how QBasic opens

> the file, especially the sharing parameters. The safe way would be:


> Create command.tmp

> WriteTo command.tmp

> Close command.tmp

> Rename command.tmp command.bat



Re the first paragraph (thank you for it): I will have to find out what the

acronyms mean and proceed from there.



As to the bat-file and Qbasic code:


(Re your suggestions:) My bat-file contains:



if exist C:\Share\Stop.txt goto Execute


rem Wait for 10 seconds

ping -n 10 > nul

goto Again



del C:\Share\Stop.txt

rundll32 krnl386.exe,exitkernel

goto Again


My Qbasic .exe simply creates a text-file. The setup (bat-file + Qbasic

..exe) works alright. I am delighted with it.


I am currently in the process of finding out the spec for a big hard drive

the W98 box will take (q.v. my post).




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