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Batch ntbackup to external hard drives (new version - October 2007)

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Guest dderkits

Below is a new version of the backup script that I posted to USENET on

5 July 2005 (initial version) and 9 Sept 2006 (revised version). This

new version can also be found at:


(be sure to change the file attribute to .cmd before using it)

The version below may be affected by line wrapping. So, it is

probably best to download the script from the above URI.


The main improvements are:

- Inserted code after the backup operations and before the robocopy

operation to parse the ntbackup logs for certain error messages that

will indicate a problem even if ntbackup returns a "success"


- Under Exchange backup section, corrected position of line "set



This is still a caveat:

- Robocopy, when run in a batch script, can have problems with very

large backup (.bkf) files. I have noticed this with individual .bkf

files that are around/over 110GB in size, and it is more likely to

occur on servers that have the /3GB switch enabled in boot.ini. In

some cases, rebooting the server will resolve the problem, at least

termporarily. One workaround is to copy the file manually, using

robocopy or another method. But, if you are encountering this error

often, then your infrastructure may have outgrown the capabilities of

this script. For additional information on this robocopy "bug",


the web for: robocopy insufficient resources. See also:




Some text from my earlier post is still relevant, so I'll repeat it



"Below is a batch-based script that I have developed for a few


in setting them up with disk-based backup (using USB2 and/or FireWire

external hard drives, such as those available from AcomData and

others). I'm posting it here in case anyone has a use for it.


This material is supplied without any warranty or support. You


periodically test the quality of your backups no matter what backup

software you use, including running test restores on test hardware.

Although this backup script should be usable "out-of-the-box", it is

best if the sysadmin reviews it and makes an effort to understand it,

before actually using it. This is freely-available (no copyright)


may be copied/customized/used as desired.


Reasons to consider a disk-based backup approach:

- Disk backup is usually considerably less expensive than tape


once all of the hardware and software are factored in. This is

certainly true at larger data sizes, which is sometimes the

case for file servers and/or email servers.

- Disk backup is usually faster than tape backup, and easier to



- Disk drives are usually more portable than tape drives, and they


strong OS support (with the drivers preloaded in most cases).

- This backup script is free, and it leverages the capabilities of

ntbackup, which comes with Windows for no additional cost.

- Disk backup can be easily scheduled using Scheduled Tasks.

- Off-site capabilities are easily supported, by having one external

drive always attached to hold the backups, and then another drive (or

set of drives) that mirror the content of the always-attached drive


that rotate a few times per week - e.g. at any given moment, one

rotated drive is attached, one is in transit, and one is safely

off-site). See the script for additional details about this



Granted, this backup script is a batch file, but for relatively


purposes a batch is okay (using cmd, not bat, of course). If I were

doing this formally, I'd probably write it in vbscript, but batch is

somewhat more accessible to the Windows community.


Feel free to email me if you find any bugs or have any comments.




- David Derkits




@echo off

echo Version 2.50 (25Aug07) - David Derkits


echo Runs a backup to two external hard drives and logs progress and


echo into an email.

echo This script can be executed manually but, in practice, is usually


echo automatically using Scheduled Tasks.

echo This script must be run locally on the server that is to be



echo Command syntax:


echo serverbackup.cmd weeknum baktype


echo where weeknum is: 1, 2, or 3 (assuming a three-week rotation;


echo script supports, without modification, rotations of longer or

echo shorter duration). Generally, weeknum is: 1, 2, 3, ..., n

echo Note that weeknum can generally be thought of as a "rotation


echo it does not necessarily have to align on a weekly repetition.


echo where baktype is: normal or diff


echo example:

echo backupscript 1 diff


echo Changelog:

echo 8/25/07: Created version 2.50. Inserted code after the backup

echo operations and before the robocopy operation to parse the


echo logs for certain error messages that will indicate a problem even

echo if ntbackup returns a "success" errorlevel. Under Exchange


echo section, corrected position of line "set saveerrorlevel=



rem -----



rem periodically test the quality of your backups no matter what


rem software you use, including running test restores on test


rem Although this backup script should be usable "out-of-the-box", it


rem best if the sysadmin reviews it and makes an effort to understand


rem before actually using it. This is freely-available (no copyright)


rem may be copied/customized/used as desired.

rem -----


rem -----



rem 1) Edit the Script Customizations (next section, below).


rem 2) Attach two external hard drives such that they are assigned


rem letters by the Windows OS. Format these drives using NTFS.

rem 1) Designate one drive as the Fixed Drive, and create a file at


rem root of the drive that has a filename matching that shown in


rem Script Customizations section below.

rem 2) Designate the second drive as the Rotated Drive, and create

a file

rem at the root of the drive that has a filename matching that


rem in the Script customizations section below.

rem 3) In most cases, there will be more than one Rotated Drive, so


rem one drive is connected, one is in transit, and one is off-


rem Follow the above step for each such Rotated Drive.


rem 2) If the script will be used to back-up Exchange data, then

rem create the exchange.bks file locally as follows:

rem 1) Open Windows Backup (Start button -> All Programs ->

Accessories ->

rem System Tools -> Backup.

rem 2) If Backup launches in "Backup or Restore Wizard" mode, then


rem "Always start in wizard mode", click Next, click Next, click


rem and relaunch Backup.

rem 3) In the "Backup Utility" window, go to the "Backup" tab.

Find the

rem "Microsoft Exchange Server" section and expand it you see


rem "Microsoft Information Store" entry. Checkmark the checkbox

rem next to this entry.

rem 4) Go to menu bar Job -> Save Selections As..., and save the

file as:

rem c:\active\scripts\serverbackup\exchange.bks

rem (or whatever file/path that is entered in the Script


rem section below)

rem 5) Close Windows Backup. The file is now created.

rem NOTE: The exchange.bks file will have to be manually recreated


rem an Exchange Storage Group is added or deleted (so that the

rem exchange.bks file is aware of the change).


rem 3) Create the Alert Group (ga.*) in the Active Directory

rem (see the "emailaddress" variable below for the name format).

rem Example: ga.servername.backup-notify

rem (This step can be skipped if the email address to which backup

rem reports will be sent already exists.)


rem 4) Modify the Registry so that only one backup log (rather than

rem 10 logs, rotated) is used. To do this, load the registry file

rem ntbackup-onlyonelog.reg (which is usually located in the same

folder as

rem serverbackup.cmd) under the user account that ntbackup will

rem impersonate when conducting its backups.

rem For reference, this is the content of the .reg file (note: two


rem [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Ntbackup\Log Files]

rem "Log File Count"=dword:00000001


rem 5) Set up the Scheduled Tasks if Scheduled Tasks are to be used.

rem For each week (or "rotation"), there are normally two Scheduled


rem (assuming a three-week rotation and a 12am start time; note

that a

rem three-week rotation would require a total of six Scheduled


rem "Backup Week 1 Normal"

rem Run: c:\active\scripts\serverbackup\serverbackup.cmd 1


rem Schedule: Weekly, every 3 weeks, at 12am on Monday

rem "Backup Week 1 Diff"

rem Run: c:\active\scripts\serverbackup\serverbackup.cmd 1


rem Schedule: Weekly, every 3 weeks, at 12am on Tues, Weds,


rem Fri, and Sat

rem For both:

rem Run as: DOMAINNAMEHERE\Administrator

rem Enabled

rem Rest of the settings = use the defaults

rem The backup script can handle any Scheduled Task configuration,

so the

rem above is just one example of many possible tasks.


rem -----



rem 1) Specify the server to be backed-up


set srvname=servername


rem 2) Specify the names of the files to be placed at the root of the


rem backup drives to indicate their eligibility as backup drives:

rem (this is crucial in preventing accidential erasure of data)


set fixedfilename=autobackup-fixed-ok.txt


set rotatedfilename=autobackup-rotated-ok.txt


rem 3a) Specify whether the server needs an Exchange backup:

rem use "true" or "false" (w/o quotes)


set bakexchange=false


rem 3b) If an Exchange backup is specified, on the server in question,


rem that the exchange.bks file exists, and specify its path:


set exchangebksfile=c:\active\scripts\serverbackup\exchange.bks


rem 4a) Specify whether the server needs to backup a file on another

rem server:

rem use "true" or "false" (w/o quotes)


set bakother=false


rem 4b) If this is the case, then specify the location of the file,

using its

rem full file name and its UNC path:


set otherfile=\\otherservername\c$\backup\otherserver-drivec-



rem 4c) Specify a friendly name for this backup:


set bakothername=otherserver-drivec-sysstate


rem Note: A backup of a file on another server will only be done


rem a backup of type normal (i.e. baktype=normal). Be sure that the


rem account under which serverbackup.cmd runs has the right to access

rem the other location.


rem 5) Specify the email address that will be used in the From: and


rem fields of the emailed backup report:

rem Example: ga.%srvname%.backup-notify@company.com


set emailaddress=ga.%srvname%.backup-notify@company.com


rem 6) Specify the Exchange email pickup folder. The user account


rem which serverbackup.cmd runs must have write access to this


rem For authentication purposes, this location should be in the


rem Windows domain as the server on which the backup script is



set exchpickup=\\mailservername\c$\Program Files\Exchsrvr\Mailroot\vsi



rem -----


rem Note: Carets are used to wrap lines that extend beyond 80


rem Note: The line "cmd /c exit /b 5" is used to set the errorlevel to


rem non-zero value so that we know that the next command


rem at least to the point that a new errorlevel was set.


set weeknum=%1

set baktype=%2


set baktypeabbrev=%baktype%


if /i %baktype%==diff set baktype=differential



set baklog=%temp%\backuplog.log

set robolog=%temp%\robocopylog.log

set emailtop=%temp%\emailtop.txt

set ntbackuplog=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application ^

Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\backup01.log

set ntbackupall=%temp%\ntbackupall.log


rem Delete any pre-existing log files:

del "%baklog%"

del "%ntbackuplog%"

del "%robolog%"

del "%emailtop%"

del "%ntbackupall%"


rem Write the header of the baklog:

echo Starting Server Backup> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

echo Server, Backup Details, and start Date/Time:>> "%baklog%"

echo %srvname%, Week %weeknum%, Type %baktype%>> "%baklog%"

date /t>> "%baklog%"

time /t>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"



rem Make sure the script is being run on the correct server

if /i %srvname%==%computername% goto proper-server

echo This script must be run locally on the server to be ^

backed-up.>> "%baklog%"

echo If this is the correct server, then open this script>>


echo in notepad and edit the "srvname" variable (the script>>


echo believes the file server is %srvname%).>> "%baklog%"

echo Script aborting.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

set fatalerror=Wrong Server

goto end




rem Make sure that weeknum (%1) has been specified

if not [%1]==[] goto weeknum-specified

echo Please include the weeknum (a positive integer) when ^

running the script:>> "%baklog%"

echo serverbackup.cmd weeknum baktype>> "%baklog%"

echo Script aborting.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

set fatalerror=Variable weeknum Not Specified

goto end




rem Make sure that baktype (%2) has been specified properly

if %2==normal goto baktype-specified

if %2==diff goto baktype-specified

echo Please include the proper baktype when running ^

the script:>> "%baklog%"

echo serverbackup.cmd weeknum baktype>> "%baklog%"

echo where baktype is: normal or diff>> "%baklog%"

echo Script aborting.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

set fatalerror=Variable baktype Not Specified

goto end




rem Check all locally-attached drives to find the fixed (non-rotated)

rem external backup drive, by looking for its tag. This step will

rem find and use the alphabetically-first such drive, even if multiple

rem such drives are attached.


set fixeddriveletter=none

for %%f in (z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d) do if ^

exist %%f:\%fixedfilename% set fixeddriveletter=%%f

if not %fixeddriveletter%==none goto fixeddrive-is-ready

echo The external Fixed Drive is not attached or it is not ^

tagged for>> "%baklog%"

echo use by the backup mechanism (the file %fixedfilename


echo must exist at the root of the drive).>> "%baklog%"

echo Please take corrective action.>> "%baklog%"

echo Backup aborting.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

set fatalerror=Failure: Fixed Drive Not Ready

goto end



echo External Fixed Drive, drive %fixeddriveletter%:, is ready.>>


echo.>> "%baklog%"



rem If the type of backup is Normal, delete the pre-existing backup


rem since backup type Normal implies we are starting a new week:

if /i %baktype%==normal del /q %fixeddriveletter%:\week%weeknum%\*.*


rem If the type of backup is Differential, then we need to know


rem it is the first, second, etc. Differential backup of the week, so


rem we don't overwrite any previous Differential backup files. We do


rem by checking for preexisting Differential backup files.

rem Note: If there are more than 49 differential backup files, then


rem will not operate properly.


if /i %baktype%==normal goto skip-diff-check


for /L %%f in (50,-1,1) do if not exist ^


state.bkf set diffnum=%%f

echo Variable diffnum is %diffnum%.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"


set baktypeabbrev=diff%diffnum%





rem Backup files have a labeling scheme, which is of the form:

rem servername-week1-diff3

rem This is used in the file name and in the tape name.

rem We represent this with a new variable:

set bakname=%srvname%-week%weeknum%-%baktypeabbrev%


rem -----

rem Run the backup of the System State:

rem The errorlevel entry will help catch if the backup aborts.

set jobname=sysstate

echo Starting backup of %jobname%.>> "%baklog%"

date /t>> "%baklog%"

time /t>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

rem Note: system state is always type=Normal.

rem The ntbackup command is sufficiently long that we first prepare


rem command as a variable, then we run ntbackup using this variable as

rem the parameter:

set bakss=backup systemstate /n "%bakname%-%jobname%" /d

set bakss=%bakss% "%bakname%-%jobname%" /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc:off /m


set bakss=%bakss% /j "%jobname%" /l:s /f

set bakss=%bakss% "%fixeddriveletter%:\week%weeknum%\%bakname%-%jobname


cmd /c exit /b 5

ntbackup %bakss%

set saveerrorlevel=%errorlevel%


type "%ntbackuplog%"> "%ntbackupall%"

echo.>> "%ntbackupall%"


rem Check the errorlevel and notify admin if there is a problem.


if %saveerrorlevel%==0 goto bak-sysstate-ok

echo Backup of %jobname% failed.>> "%baklog%"

echo Check the backup log for details.>> "%baklog%"

echo Backup aborting.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

set fatalerror=Failure: Backup of %jobname% failed

goto end



echo Backup of %jobname% completed successfully.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

rem -----


rem -----

rem Run the backup of the C Drive:

rem The errorlevel entry will help catch if the backup aborts.

set jobname=drivec

echo Starting backup of %jobname%.>> "%baklog%"

date /t>> "%baklog%"

time /t>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

rem The ntbackup command is sufficiently long that we first prepare


rem command as a variable, then we run ntbackup using this variable as

rem the parameter:

set bakdc=backup c:\ /n "%bakname%-%jobname%" /d "%bakname%-%jobname%"

set bakdc=%bakdc% /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc:off /m %baktype% /j "%jobname


set bakdc=%bakdc% /l:s /f

set bakdc=%bakdc% "%fixeddriveletter%:\week%weeknum%\%bakname%-%jobname


cmd /c exit /b 5

ntbackup %bakdc%

set saveerrorlevel=%errorlevel%


type "%ntbackuplog%">> "%ntbackupall%"

echo.>> "%ntbackupall%"


rem Check the errorlevel and notify admin if there is a problem.


if %saveerrorlevel%==0 goto bak-drivec-ok

echo Backup of %jobname% failed.>> "%baklog%"

echo Check the backup log for details.>> "%baklog%"

echo Backup aborting.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

set fatalerror=Failure: Backup of %jobname% failed

goto end



echo Backup of %jobname% completed successfully.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

rem -----



rem -----

rem The next step is to back-up Exchange data, but only if the

rem bakexchange variable is set to true:

if not %bakexchange%==true goto skip-bakexchange


rem Run the backup of the Exchange database:

rem The errorlevel entry will help catch if the backup aborts.

set jobname=exchange

echo Starting backup of %jobname%.>> "%baklog%"

date /t>> "%baklog%"

time /t>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

rem The ntbackup command is sufficiently long that we first prepare


rem command as a variable, then we run ntbackup using this variable as

rem the parameter:

set bakex=backup "@%exchangebksfile%" /n "%bakname%-%jobname%" /d

set bakex=%bakex% "%bakname%-%jobname%" /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc:off /m

set bakex=%bakex% %baktype% /j "%jobname%" /l:s /f

set bakex=%bakex% "%fixeddriveletter%:\week%weeknum%\%bakname%-%jobname


cmd /c exit /b 5

ntbackup %bakex%

set saveerrorlevel=%errorlevel%



type "%ntbackuplog%">> "%ntbackupall%"

echo.>> "%ntbackupall%"


rem Check the errorlevel and notify admin if there is a problem.


if %saveerrorlevel%==0 goto bak-exchange-ok

echo Backup of %jobname% failed.>> "%baklog%"

echo Check the backup log for details.>> "%baklog%"

echo Backup aborting.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

set fatalerror=Failure: Backup of %jobname% failed

goto end



echo Backup of %jobname% completed successfully.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"



rem -----



rem -----

rem This next step allows the local server to backup a file

rem on another computer (usually a .bkf file representing a

rem backup generated locally on that other computer), but

rem only if the bakother variable is set to true:

if not %bakother%==true goto skip-bakother


rem This backup will only be done during a normal backup.

if not %baktype%==normal goto skip-bakother


set jobname=%bakothername%

echo Starting backup of %jobname%.>> "%baklog%"

date /t>> "%baklog%"

time /t>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

cmd /c exit /b 5

copy "%otherfile%" %fixeddriveletter%:\week%weeknum%

set saveerrorlevel=%errorlevel%


rem Check the errorlevel and notify admin if there is a problem.


if %saveerrorlevel%==0 goto bakother-ok

echo Backup %jobname% failed.>> "%baklog%"

echo Backup aborting.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

set fatalerror=Failure: Backup of %jobname% failed

goto end



echo Backup of %jobname% completed successfully.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"


rem -----



rem Now that all of the backups have completed, let's check the

rem ntbackup logs (which are all contained in the file that is

rem represented by the "ntbackupall" variable) for mention of

rem any errors that - for whatever reason - did not cause

rem ntbackup to generate a formal errorlevel alert.

rem Note: You may manually add additional findstr commands (simply

rem repeat the two-line block and use a different search string). Be

rem sure to test any additions to ensure that they do not detect


rem log entries.


findstr /i /c:"error " "%ntbackupall%"

if not errorlevel 1 goto ntbackuplogerror-failure


findstr /i /c:"error:" "%ntbackupall%"

if not errorlevel 1 goto ntbackuplogerror-failure


findstr /i /c:"The operation did not successfully complete."


if not errorlevel 1 goto ntbackuplogerror-failure


findstr /i /c:"Insufficient disk space." "%ntbackupall%"

if not errorlevel 1 goto ntbackuplogerror-failure


goto ntbackuplogerror-success



set fatalerror=Failure: ntbackup Error (see "ntbackup log" section)

goto end





rem Check all locally-attached drives to find the rotated

rem external backup drive, by looking for its tag. This step will

rem find and use the alphabetically-first such drive, even if multiple

rem such drives are attached. This step will double-check that one

rem external drive is not tagged as both the Fixed Drive and the

rem Rotated Drive.


set rotateddriveletter=none

for %%f in (z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d) do if ^

exist %%f:\%rotatedfilename% set rotateddriveletter=%%f

if not %rotateddriveletter%==none goto rotateddrive-is-ready

echo The external Rotated Drive is not attached or it is not ^

tagged for>> "%baklog%"

echo use by the backup mechanism (the file %rotatedfilename


echo must exist at the root of the drive).>> "%baklog%"

echo Please take corrective action.>> "%baklog%"

echo Backup aborting.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

set fatalerror=Failure: Rotated Drive Not Ready

goto end

if not %rotateddriveletter%==%fixeddriveletter% goto rotateddrive-is-


echo One drive, drive %rotateddriveletter%:, is tagged as both the


Fixed Drive>> "%baklog%"

echo and the Rotated Drive. This is not allowed. Please take ^

corrective action>> "%baklog%"

echo (usually by deleting one of the file tags at the root of the


drive).>> "%baklog%"

echo Backup aborting.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

set fatalerror=Failure: Rotated Drive is also the Fixed Drive

goto end



echo External Rotated Drive, drive %rotateddriveletter%:, is ^

ready.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"



rem Run the robocopy command.

echo Starting Fixed-to-Rotated Copy Operation.>> "%baklog%"

date /t>> "%baklog%"

time /t>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

rem The robocopy command is sufficiently long that we first prepare


rem command as a variable, then we run robocopy using this variable as

rem the parameter:

set robocmd=%fixeddriveletter%: %rotateddriveletter%: /mir /xd

set robocmd=%robocmd% %fixeddriveletter%:\RECYCLER

set robocmd=%robocmd% "%fixeddriveletter%:\System Volume Information"

set robocmd=%robocmd% %rotateddriveletter%:\RECYCLER

set robocmd=%robocmd% "%rotateddriveletter%:\System Volume


set robocmd=%robocmd% /xf %fixeddriveletter%:\%fixedfilename%

set robocmd=%robocmd% %rotateddriveletter%:\%rotatedfilename%

set robocmd=%robocmd% /log:"%robolog%" /tee /np

cmd /c exit /b 100

robocopy %robocmd%

set saveerrorlevel=%errorlevel%


rem Check the errorlevel of the robocopy command and notify admin if


rem problem occurred.

rem Errorlevels 0-3 are OK.


if %saveerrorlevel% LEQ 3 goto robocopy-checktwo

goto robocopy-failure



if %saveerrorlevel% GEQ 0 goto robocopy-success



echo The copy operation from %fixeddriveletter%: to ^

%rotateddriveletter%: failed.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

echo (Errorlevels 0-3 are OK)>> "%baklog%"

echo Check the logs for details.>> "%baklog%"

echo Backup Aborting>> "%baklog%"

date /t>> "%baklog%"

time /t>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

set fatalerror=Failure: Fixed-to-Rotated Copy Operation Failed

goto end



echo Fixed-to-Rotated Copy Operation Successful.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

echo (Errorlevels 0-3 are OK)>> "%baklog%"

date /t>> "%baklog%"

time /t>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"


set fatalerror=Success: Backup Successful



rem If the backup process has gone this far, then it means that

rem both external drives are properly attached. So, at this

rem point (when all priority backup and mirroring operations are


rem if the type of backup is Normal, then we will run a chkdsk (in


rem mode) on both external drives to check their status.

rem Write notice of any possible errors to baklog and fatalerror.


if not %baktype%==normal goto skip-chkdsk


echo Starting chkdsk of Fixed drive, drive %fixeddriveletter%:.>>


echo.>> "%baklog%"

cmd /c exit /b 5

chkdsk %fixeddriveletter%:

set saveerrorlevel=%errorlevel%

if %saveerrorlevel%==0 goto chk-fixeddrive-okay

echo chkdsk detected possible errors on the Fixed Drive, ^

drive %fixeddriveletter%:.>> "%baklog%"

echo With this drive attached, run chkdsk %fixeddriveletter%: ^

/f /r /x on %srvname%>> "%baklog%"

echo as soon as possible.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

date /t>> "%baklog%"

time /t>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

set fatalerror=%fatalerror%; but see chkdsk for Fixed Drive

goto skip-chk-fixeddrive-okay


echo chkdsk of Fixed drive, drive %fixeddriveletter%:, reported no ^

errors.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

date /t>> "%baklog%"

time /t>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"



echo Starting chkdsk of Rotated drive, drive ^

%rotateddriveletter%:.>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

cmd /c exit /b 5

chkdsk %rotateddriveletter%:

set saveerrorlevel=%errorlevel%

if %saveerrorlevel%==0 goto chk-rotateddrive-okay

echo chkdsk detected possible errors on the Rotated Drive, drive ^

%rotateddriveletter%:.>> "%baklog%"

echo With this drive attached, run chkdsk %rotateddriveletter%: ^

/f /r /x on %srvname%>> "%baklog%"

echo as soon as possible.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

date /t>> "%baklog%"

time /t>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"

set fatalerror=%fatalerror%; but see chkdsk for Rotated Drive

goto skip-chk-rotateddrive-okay


echo chkdsk of Rotated drive, drive %rotateddriveletter%:, reported no


errors.>> "%baklog%"

echo Errorlevel is %saveerrorlevel%.>> "%baklog%"

date /t>> "%baklog%"

time /t>> "%baklog%"

echo.>> "%baklog%"










rem Build the summary email for the admin and send it using an


rem email pickup folder.


echo X-sender: %emailaddress%> "%emailtop%"

echo x-receiver: %emailaddress%>> "%emailtop%"

echo From: %emailaddress%>> "%emailtop%"

echo To: %emailaddress%>> "%emailtop%"

echo Subject: Backup of %srvname%: %fatalerror%>> "%emailtop%"

echo.>> "%emailtop%"


echo Server Backup Report for %srvname%>> "%emailtop%"

echo Status message is: %fatalerror%>> "%emailtop%"

echo.>> "%emailtop%"

echo --------------- start backup script log -------------->>


echo.>> "%emailtop%"

type "%baklog%">> "%emailtop%"

echo.>> "%emailtop%"

echo ----------------- start ntbackup log ----------------->>


echo.>> "%emailtop%"

type "%ntbackupall%">> "%emailtop%"

echo.>> "%emailtop%"

echo ----------------- start robocopy log ----------------->>


echo.>> "%emailtop%"

type "%robolog%">> "%emailtop%"

echo.>> "%emailtop%"

echo ---------------- end of Backup Report ---------------->>


echo.>> "%emailtop%"


copy "%emailtop%" "%exchpickup%"


rem Delete the log files

del "%baklog%"

del "%ntbackuplog%"

del "%robolog%"

del "%emailtop%"

del "%ntbackupall%"


rem End of Backup Script

  • Replies 1
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Popular Days

Guest Pegasus \(MVP\)

Re: Batch ntbackup to external hard drives (new version - October 2007)



"dderkits" <dderkits@alumni.caltech.edu> wrote in message


> Below is a new version of the backup script that I posted to USENET on

> 5 July 2005 (initial version) and 9 Sept 2006 (revised version). This

> new version can also be found at:

> http://www.derkits.com/apps/serverbackup.txt




At around 700 lines, this is probably the largest batch file I have ever

seen. I seriously wonder how maintainable and modifiable it is by

anyone other than its author, and I suspect that even its author would

have a serious problem if he attempted to modify it after not working

with it for a whole year. I believe it would gain enormously if it was

structured instead of having 700 lines one after the other. This could

be done like so:


call :SetVar

call :DelLog

call :WriteHeader

call :CheckLocal

goto :eof



Set various env. variables



set baklog=%temp%\backuplog.log

set robolog=%temp%\robocopylog.log

set emailtop=%temp%\emailtop.txt

set ntbackuplog=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application

Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\backup01.log

set ntbackupall=%temp%\ntbackupall.log

goto :eof



Delete old log files



del "%baklog%"

del "%ntbackuplog%"

del "%robolog%"

del "%emailtop%"

del "%ntbackupall%"

goto eof


A big advantage of such structured code is that it becomes very

easy to test each module separately, by simply modifying the

initial list of "call" statements.

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