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Easyshare 5100 printer

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Does anyone have this printer working with Windows 98? Website says XP

and Vista, but how many ever say 98 anymore? Site also says USB 2.0

recommended, would I have to get an add in card? I currently do not

have USB enabled as I have not needed it for anything yet.



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Guest RonBaird

Re: Easyshare 5100 printer





Wish I could help you, but I am afraid that the priinter and software

will not work with Windows 98. This is stated clearly on the packaging.

There are a number of reasons for this but suffice to say, you are

better off updating your system or seeking out a different printer.


The Kodak All in One 5100 is a great choice but it will only work on

Windows XP SP2 or Vista. It will not work on on your operating system.



It is also true that your would be better off with USB 2.0 as the data

flow and bidirectional features would be important.


Best advice I can offer is to udpate your system, if it is feasible for



Good Luck, let me know if you have any other experiences in which you

think I might be able to help.






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