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Adding Users to Local Administrators Group

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Hi Everyone,


I am relatively inexperienced in TS though I have 20 years experience in

Network systems for small business.


I am implementing ACT by Sage on W2003R2 TS and the complete

functionality/integration with Outlook2003 works only if Users/Domain Users

are members of the Local Administrators Group (LAG).


I have been using Process Monitor but cannot locate any Access Denied

messages when Users are not members of the the LAG.


Anyone have ideas on how to identify the 'offending' rights so that I can

implement this application without completely eroding security on the TS





Guest Vera Noest [MVP]

Re: Adding Users to Local Administrators Group


Did you follow the instructions from Sage:


Using ACT! with Citrix or Terminal Server









If that doesn't help, I would post to the user discussion groups at

Sage, you probably already have a user account.



Vera Noest

MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server

TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net

___ please respond in newsgroup, NOT by private email ___


"MSNews" <asanamxx@hotmail.com> wrote on 18 okt 2007 in


> Hi Everyone,


> I am relatively inexperienced in TS though I have 20 years

> experience in Network systems for small business.


> I am implementing ACT by Sage on W2003R2 TS and the complete

> functionality/integration with Outlook2003 works only if

> Users/Domain Users are members of the Local Administrators Group

> (LAG).


> I have been using Process Monitor but cannot locate any Access

> Denied messages when Users are not members of the the LAG.


> Anyone have ideas on how to identify the 'offending' rights so

> that I can implement this application without completely eroding

> security on the TS


> Regards


> Piloo


Re: Adding Users to Local Administrators Group


Thanks for your response. Thus far pretty much everything works except I am

being paranoid/neurotic about making Users members of the LAG. I suppose

this is just a glorified workstation and security was never 'really' a

concern to Microsoft and App developers alike.


I am publishing ACT using 2X and so Users dont' get to see much of the TS

and we'll keep fingers crossed that they don't get too curious about what's

in the box!


My question remains; how does one identify the elevated permissions/rights

which stop ACT 2007 functioning as desired unless Users are members of the








"Vera Noest [MVP]" <vera.noest@remove-this.hem.utfors.se> wrote in message


> Did you follow the instructions from Sage:


> Using ACT! with Citrix or Terminal Server

> http://kb.sagesoftwareonline.com/cgi-

> bin/sagesoftwareonline.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=15275

> &p_created=1124917128&p_sid=Dsvj*vOi&p_accessibility=0

> &p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbn


> W5zd2Vycy5zZWFyY2hfbmwmcF9wYWdlPTEmcF9zZWFyY2hfdGV4dD10ZXJtaW5hbCBz

> ZXJ2aWNlcw**&site_ID=1&p_li=&p_topview=1


> If that doesn't help, I would post to the user discussion groups at

> Sage, you probably already have a user account.

> http://www.act.com/support/discussiongroups/go/

> _________________________________________________________

> Vera Noest

> MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server

> TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net

> ___ please respond in newsgroup, NOT by private email ___


> "MSNews" <asanamxx@hotmail.com> wrote on 18 okt 2007 in

> microsoft.public.windows.terminal_services:


>> Hi Everyone,


>> I am relatively inexperienced in TS though I have 20 years

>> experience in Network systems for small business.


>> I am implementing ACT by Sage on W2003R2 TS and the complete

>> functionality/integration with Outlook2003 works only if

>> Users/Domain Users are members of the Local Administrators Group

>> (LAG).


>> I have been using Process Monitor but cannot locate any Access

>> Denied messages when Users are not members of the the LAG.


>> Anyone have ideas on how to identify the 'offending' rights so

>> that I can implement this application without completely eroding

>> security on the TS


>> Regards


>> Piloo


Re: Adding Users to Local Administrators Group


Hi Piloo,


You should *not* need to grant users Admin access to run

ACT 2007.


Please logon as a normal user (full desktop logon, not

published app), open regedit, and check the following:




Qpath REG_SZ


What folder path is in the Qpath value? It should *not* be

pointing to a folder in another user's profile (for example,



You mention that the integration with Outlook 2003 does

not work when the users are not admins. What exactly

is the problem? What error message are you receiving?


Please respond with detailed answers to my questions

and I will help you resolve the issue completely or provide

further information.






MSNews wrote:

> Thanks for your response. Thus far pretty much everything works

> except I am being paranoid/neurotic about making Users members of the

> LAG. I suppose this is just a glorified workstation and security was

> never 'really' a concern to Microsoft and App developers alike.


> I am publishing ACT using 2X and so Users dont' get to see much of

> the TS and we'll keep fingers crossed that they don't get too curious

> about what's in the box!


> My question remains; how does one identify the elevated

> permissions/rights which stop ACT 2007 functioning as desired unless

> Users are members of the LAG?


> Regards


> Piloo


Re: Adding Users to Local Administrators Group


Hi TP,


Thanks very much. You are spot on with the problem. Issue now resolved.






"TP" <tperson.knowspamn@mailandnews.com> wrote in message


> Hi Piloo,


> You should *not* need to grant users Admin access to run ACT 2007.

> Please logon as a normal user (full desktop logon, not published app),

> open regedit, and check the following:


> HKCU\Software\ACT\OutlookHistoryService\Desktop


> Qpath REG_SZ


> What folder path is in the Qpath value? It should *not* be pointing to a

> folder in another user's profile (for example, Administrator).


> You mention that the integration with Outlook 2003 does not work when the

> users are not admins. What exactly is the problem? What error message

> are you receiving?


> Please respond with detailed answers to my questions and I will help you

> resolve the issue completely or provide further information.


> Thanks.


> -TP


> MSNews wrote:

>> Thanks for your response. Thus far pretty much everything works

>> except I am being paranoid/neurotic about making Users members of the

>> LAG. I suppose this is just a glorified workstation and security was

>> never 'really' a concern to Microsoft and App developers alike.


>> I am publishing ACT using 2X and so Users dont' get to see much of

>> the TS and we'll keep fingers crossed that they don't get too curious

>> about what's in the box!


>> My question remains; how does one identify the elevated

>> permissions/rights which stop ACT 2007 functioning as desired unless

>> Users are members of the LAG?


>> Regards


>> Piloo


Re: Adding Users to Local Administrators Group


You are welcome.


Thank you for letting us know.



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