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Office 2007 & "This file is locked for editing by..." functionalit

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Guest Ben Waldon


We have recently setup a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Terminal

Server for ~40 users. We installed Office 07 Pro Plus.


The problem comes when one user has a shared file open & a 2nd user wants to

open that file also. It says that the same user has that file open regardless

of who really it is. I think it's the name we used when we registered it.

Also, when the any user first logs in and uses office for the first time, it

doesn't ask them for "First Name, Last Name, initials". So, if a user would

like to know who else has it open, they don't know who to call.


The fileserver is a seperate server and I looked at Computer Management >

System Tools > Open Files > and it shows the correct user.


I would like for the users to see that the correct user has the file open so

that they can contact the correct user. If that isn't possible, I'd like to

replace the name they are using with something like "Another User" and/or

change the text.


Any assistance would be fantastic.




Ben Waldon

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Re: Office 2007 & "This file is locked for editing by..." functionalit


Had the same problem - used a script to fix all users, put it in as a call

from the domain logon script. This works for MS Office to version 2003 -

should work for 2007, unless they changed the rules (again). It creates the

user ID from the AD account, creates the "Initials" field also, then pushes

the values into the HKCU part of registry. Please test, especially for

Office 2007. I know it seems to work on 97, 2000, XP, and 2003 versions of

Office. If doesn't work on 2007 - check the registry close to the

appropriate are, and modify the script. Else - someone else here may have

an idea.


----------Script SetMSOfficeName.vbs--------:


Const HKCU = &H80000001

Const HKLM = &H80000002


' Get full username from AD

Set oADSystemInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")


' get AD user object

Set oADsUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & oADSystemInfo.UserName)


' get full name of the current user

sDisplayName = oADsUser.DisplayName


'Create initials string

arrUserID = split(sDisplayName, " ")

SegNum = UBound(arrUserID)

If SegNum = 0 then strInitial = Left(arrUserID(0),1)

If SegNum = 1 Then

If Left(arrUserID(1),1) <> "(" Then

strInitial = Left(arrUserID(1),1) & Left(arrUserID(0),1)


strInitial = Left(arrUserID(0),1)

End If

End If

If SegNum > 1 Then

If Left(arrUserID(2),1) <> "(" Then

strInitial = Left(arrUserID(1),1) & Left(arrUserID(2),1) &



strInitial = Left(arrUserID(1),1) & Left(arrUserID(0),1)

End If

End If


' create a byte array of the name and initials

aUsername = ToByteArray(sDisplayName)

aUserInitials = ToByteArray(strInitial)


Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _

& ".\root\default:StdRegProv")


aOfficeVersions = Array("12.0","11.0","10.0","9.0","8.0")


' find the Office version(s) installed

For Each sOfficeVersion In aOfficeVersions


sRegKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\" & sOfficeVersion _

& "\Common\InstallRoot"


oReg.GetStringValue HKLM, sRegKey, "Path", sPath


If sPath <> "" Then

' Found an installed Office version, now update UserName value in HKCU


sRegKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\" & sOfficeVersion _

& "\Common\UserInfo"


' create the key if it doesn't exist

oReg.CreateKey HKCU, sRegKey


' set the UserName value

iRC = oReg.SetBinaryValue(HKCU, sRegKey, "UserName", aUsername)

iRC = oReg.SetBinaryValue(HKCU, sRegKey, "UserInitials", aUserInitials)


End If



Function ToByteArray(ByVal sString)


ReDim aBytes(Len(sString) * 2 + 1)


iIndex = -1

For iPos = 1 To Len(sString)

iIndex = iIndex + 1

aBytes(iIndex) = Asc(Mid(sString, iPos, 1))

' add a 0 after each letter

iIndex = iIndex + 1

aBytes(iIndex) = 0



' add two closing 0's

iIndex = iIndex + 1

aBytes(iIndex) = 0

iIndex = iIndex + 1

aBytes(iIndex) = 0


ToByteArray = aBytes

End Function


----------End Script SetMSOfficeName.vbs--------:



"Ben Waldon" <BenWaldon@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message


> Hello,

> We have recently setup a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Terminal

> Server for ~40 users. We installed Office 07 Pro Plus.


> The problem comes when one user has a shared file open & a 2nd user wants

> to

> open that file also. It says that the same user has that file open

> regardless

> of who really it is. I think it's the name we used when we registered it.

> Also, when the any user first logs in and uses office for the first time,

> it

> doesn't ask them for "First Name, Last Name, initials". So, if a user

> would

> like to know who else has it open, they don't know who to call.


> The fileserver is a seperate server and I looked at Computer Management >

> System Tools > Open Files > and it shows the correct user.


> I would like for the users to see that the correct user has the file open

> so

> that they can contact the correct user. If that isn't possible, I'd like

> to

> replace the name they are using with something like "Another User" and/or

> change the text.


> Any assistance would be fantastic.

> Thanks,

> Ben

> --

> Ben Waldon

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