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Guys.Where do I find super script?

Example.When one writes Celsius Degrees,how do you get the small 0,to be raised, after the C.Thanks.

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.


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Yes mate. Thats what I would like to know.Often see the cents, after the dollars raised, also. Thanks.

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.



Is there a problem me asking this simple question?

If I knew I would not be asking.

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.




No problem at all I assure you. Wolfey is away and I was going to let him take care of it when he got back.


EDIT: Are you using a desktop computer?

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Start/ Programs/ Accesories/ System Tools/ Character map



Check what font you are using (in this case for this post [just go into advanced reply and at the top there is a drop down box where you can select which font you want to use] "Verdana") and then look for the characters within that font that you want to use select it and then select copy and then paste into the message box and hey presto.


Although this depends on what Operating System your using but within Microsoft its pretty much in the same place.


The character map is a handy little tool especially for finding standardised logo's and characters without trying to remember a bunch load of key presses to get something you only use once in a blue moon.


Dougie if you are only referring to MS word or other Office applications the simple short cut is to press Ctrl Shift and equal (=) at the same time. Release them and you should then be typing in superscript. To return to normal just repeat the process like a toggle.


If you try that on the forum all that will happen is a zoom.

"Familiarity breeds contempt - and children."

Mark Twain




I would like to expand just a bit. Kaje has already pointed out how to find and use the Character Map. Which works great.


There are many different ways to do this. So many choices. What works best for you depends on what type of computer you have (desktop or laptop) and what software you have or want to use. Microsoft Office for example.


1. If you have a desktop and a numeric keypad you can use keyboard shortcuts. Hold down the Alt key and type 0162 in the numeric key pad on the right. then let go. This will give you the ¢ for example.


Of course no one can remember all the keyboard shortcuts but you can put the most commonly used ones in a notepad file to use later.


2. If you use a laptop you will have to temporarily change the keyboard layout and then change it back afterwards from what I understand. On many laptops you can type the fn key + the f11 key to activate the keboard numeric pad. Then you may have to change it back.


3. Use a text editor like Microsoft Office to pull the symbols from the Character Map then match up the font type in Office to match the font type on the forum.


4. Use the Windows Character Map directly and just copy and paste the symbol into the forum. This of course likely will not match the font type of the forum and will also need to be edited.


To edit from the forum click on the icon on the top left that will remove all text formatting.


Another problem with this is finding the symbols everytime you need them.

You can copy the Character Map symbols to a file such as notepad for the ones you use most often. The advantage to using notepad is that it removes all formatting so you can paste into the forum no matter what type or size you are using to post.



As for me just using google to type in something like "type the degree symbol" will give me the Alt and numbers to type in to display the symbols.

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I thought it was a simple Question.:D

Want to thank everybody,who explained all this so clearly,and gave all the alternatives.I didn't know Character Map even existed.

I was always puzzled, how members inserted these Symbols.

I have Open Office,and Word 2007,and I managed to insert Symbols, in both,OK.

For Outlook Express, I used Character Map.

Forum Posts I used Alt+0176 on the Numeric Keyboard,for degrees.

I will google the numbers, for the different Symbols, I think I will use,for this Forum,and put them in Notepad. Good Idea Randy.

Appreciate all your help,Kaje,beeceebee and Randy.:)

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.


I have Open Office,and Word 2007,and I managed to insert Symbols, in both,OK.
Just to be clear, when using Word (and perhaps open office) the combo of Ctrl;Alt ; = pressed together will toggle between regular and superscript. Remember it is like a toggle switch. The point is everything you type afterward will be in superscript. So if you want degrees just hit o, same with th etc. Far easier if you do not need a specific symbol.

"Familiarity breeds contempt - and children."

Mark Twain




Thanks for the hint, beeceebee. Practice will make perfect.:)

I like Open Office,but the Boss will only use Word.:D

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.


Thanks mate.That link will come in very handy.:)

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.


Guest Wolfeymole

Bear in mind that there are literally thousands of characters across every font that is loaded Dougie.


Here are 2 examples.



Hi Dougie, just be thankful you don't need this sort of script-


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I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄



That's for sure,Nev. My Mother was a Music teacher years ago.She gave up on me quickly.:D

One part of all this,I am not sure of,and would like some guidance,Please.

What script do I enter,in the top box, for the following?

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Outlook Express Emails.

Office Word.

Is it Ariel,Times new Roman,or Verdana,as Kaje mentioned,or was that just an example?Thanks.:)

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.


Verdana is the default font for the forums but you can change it to a few others. I think Kaje mentioned that font for that reason.

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Thanks Randy.I wasn't aware what the defaults were for Forums,or any of the others I mentioned.

Where do I find out what the default scripts are for Outlook Express and Word.?

Sorry to be a pain.:o

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.



Different forums will use different fonts.


Outlook Express and Windows Mail use Arial. At least mine do.

I think Word uses Times New Roman unless it's Word 2007 then I think it's Cambria. Here in the U.S.A anyway. This might be different if it's setup elsewhere.


Unless you changed the default fonts every time you open those programs they will open to the default. If you don't know how to change the default fonts I doubt that you have managed to do so.


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I have left everything on default.You have been very helpful.

Have learnt a bit more,thanks to you Guys.:)

Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.


Guest Wolfeymole

If you use the drop down fonts box Doug you will see all available forum fonts, there are 21.


In Outlook all fonts that are in the Fonts Folder should be available.


The same applies when creating a Word document.


$69²³ AUD. Example.

Got it sorted,now mate. Found everything.

Copied most important numbers, to Notepad,also.

This will make things much easier,especially when my Wife needs umlauts,when writing Emails.


Confidence, is the feeling I get, moments before I stuff something up.


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