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Hi i have received an e-mail which i am trying to save to documents, when i click on to "save as* the window that appears says file name *message* save as type "web archive single file(*.mht) but when i click ok i am told there is insufficient memory to save the file, please can you advise me how to correct this
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Guest Wolfeymole
What email client are you using Janet?



Right-Click My computer and select Properties

How much RAM does it show.

Then click on the Advanced Tab and click on Settings under the Performance Heading then click on the Advanced tab again.

At he bottom it will say Virtual Memory

How much is that number?



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Hi janet;

I believe you are trying to save your web email as a .mht file which is the format Vista wants to save web pages in.


What with all the scripting involved with web email pages it's likely that it is just not possible to save the email as a web page.


To verify this I tried it on a yahoo web email account and got the error "This webpage could not be saved".


I believe that your particular error message is not related to memory but rather Vista trying to interpet why it can't save.


Try signing into your email on another computer and saving it as .mht (web page) and you will likely not be able to save in that format on a different computer either. This would confirm the issue is not your computer but the page itself.


Also try saving a regular web page in the same format. Double confirmation.


If the above is true then the work arounds are to access your email through a client such as Outlook or Outlook Express if your ISP allows a client to access it through a client or you could highlite the body of the email and copy it to a word processor and save that file.


Keep in mind if you want to preserve hyperlinks contained in such a mail you need to save the text in a program such as Microsoft Word.

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Guest Wolfeymole
  janetb said:
i am using virgin media



I asked which email client you used Janet not your Internet service provider.


Are you using Windows Mail in Virgin mail?

Guest Wolfeymole
Simple right click on the selected mail and select all then copy to notepad or Word.

Janet this is a picture of Windows Mail which is an email client just like Outlook is an email client.

Click on the picture.




There is no option to save a .mht or web page from a client such as this.


You are viewing your mail from your internet provider on a web page. You are not viewing it from a email client.


It can not be saved as a web page which is what you are trying to do.


Go to Google and you can save it as .mht or web page.


Your web mail can not be saved in such a manner.


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When you answer this please only put in what comes after the @ symbol not your whole address. What is your email address? (eg. @eircom.net, or @gmail.com)

"Familiarity breeds contempt - and children."

Mark Twain



getting a bit confused all i want to do is save an e-mail to my documents. I have right clicked and select all but how do you copy have tried to right click again and copy but nothing happens also have tried edit and copy and again nothing happens. Have in the past been able to save to documents using "save as" but now i cant

When you clicked copy it was put into memory, the clipboard. You can't see that it's done anything.


The next thing you need to do is paste it into a word processor program such as Microsoft Word or Wordpad.


Open such a program and right click in the body of it and click paste. Or you can click edit on the word program toolbar and click paste. The copied text will appear.


Click File on the toolbar and click SaveAs. Select where to save and click OK.

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