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Guest win7noooob

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I will second these concerns. I have just received automatic updates for most of my machines. So far, all updates have installed okay, but I am unhappy with the "upgraded" OS. Here are problems I have found:


- EDGE is all but useless for me; many sites will just not function properly anymore


- using Firefox, but it is also slow; found a "proxy" tweak just this morning; seems to help, but no long-term results


- overall performance seems degraded; no statistical evidence, just how it feels and what I'm used to


- Start menu doesn't close after opening an application


- more pressure to link with cloud resources (e.g. constant warning on Defender now if Cloud Protection is disasbled)



These are the obvious items I have noticed so far. In doing some research on the update itself, it appears to be - as its name implies - focused on artsy stuff. This is all useless to me and, I would argue, much of the Windows community who are just trying to do useful practical stuff like run spreadsheets and write programs, usually as part of a "day job". My computer and its OS are primarly just a tool for me to do my job. The value of Microsoft to me lies in the following:


- more user control


- more focus on business users


- long term stability


- interoperability


- it is not Apple



My faith in MS and Windows started fading after XP and completely fell apart with Windows 8. Windows 10 made me a believer again when it first came out, but hat is eroding again. I understand the pressure to keep things sexy and contend with the rapid dumbing down of the user community at large, but there is, and always will be, a segment of users who know what they are doing and want to maintain control over their environment and need an environment that is stable so they can spend more time working and less time contending with constant updates and addressing their fallout.



To one of the points mentioned here, while there may be answers to most/all of the issues folks are facing, those who need this OS to make a living can't generally afford the time to scan thousands of posts looking for simple fixes. The point of the OP is that MS should be making this easier, not harder. If these problems are common, then make a relevant post sticky. Monitor these threads and provide a link, rather than admonishing the poster.



Better yet, just avoid the problem altogether. How to do this? I have believed for some time now that there must be a separate offering of OS and other products geared towared the business community. MS used to be good at this - perhaps getting carried away with Vista, but seem to have bowed to pressure from Apple who have mastered the toddler-toy approach to computing. Computing is complicated - there is no getting around it. There will, there MUST, always be a community of users who know what they are doing and need control over their own stable environment.



Please, MS, make me a believer again.





***The message was split from the original thread by the moderator since the affected programs are different from the original thread.***


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