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I am trying to install XP onto a laptop, however, the CD drive does not work at all. The only options I have to boot from are as follows:


Removable Devices - I don't know what this would classify as 'removable devices', possibly a USB memory stick or a CF/SD card?? (I have a CF slot and an SD slot built in to the laptop)

CD ROM - Does not work at all

HDD - I can't boot here as it is a brand new HDD

Network Boot - erm... what??


I have attempted to install XP using a converter and plugging the laptop HDD into my desktop PC through the converter's USB connection AND through the motherboard directly. Both, to no avail, I received a blue screen shutting down the installation process (it appeared just after set-up had loaded the necessary files and it said "setup is starting windows" at the bottom of the screen at the start of the installation. It did not even get to the point where I could select the partition I wanted to install it onto (I would have to create a new one, but I didn't get that far))


I am not sure, but I feel that the problem is the fact that I am trying to install it on an external device, please help.


Thank you

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Guest Wolfeymole

Go into the bios and see if the option is there to boot from USB.


If not your going to have to get a new cdrom drive.


Installing to an external hard drive should not really be a problem......the problem you would have is with your hardware changes.....ie, install on your pc then putting the hard drive back into your laptop would result in the blue screening.

do you recall what the error message was when it blue screened.

here are somethings i would try.

double check that my computer is set to boot from cd in the bios

make sure all cables to the hard drive are stable and not lose.


give that a try, if not post back

There are ways to install xp to your new drive via your PC, but as i cannot be certain that you have an orignal OS cd i cannot help with that.



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Guest Wolfeymole
Is this cdrom drive actually broken or like danzil said it's not set to boot from?

In the bios, it gives the option of "removable devices" would this be a USB stick??


I have no OS on the laptop HDD, it is completely void of anything (Including partitions, but they can be made in the setup)


The blue screen, I can't remember what it said, something about removing any newly installed Hard drives and trying again (which would defeat the object of the installation :P)


and the CD is actually broken, I don't know how, when I bought the laptop it worked just fine, but the CD deteriorated over time, now it just doesn't work at all.


In the bios under advanced setup you will have an option to choose 1st 2nd 3rd boot device..change the first device to cd.


this may be no use to you though, without your OS CD you can not re-install wndows....

do you have your unique COA license key, if so i am sure it is not illegal to lend a cd from a friend,,, JUST MAKE SURE YOU USE YOUR KEY. otherwise you will be breaking the law and you just might not pass WGA.

first thing first though check your first boot device.

DO NOT DOWNLOAD any version of XP from torrents or warez, the majority of the time they are loaded with junk and trojans and all other crud like that.

alternativly buy a new OS they are know more then £70 now a days.

regards danzil

let me know if i can help out more.

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Guest Wolfeymole
The best way to go about this in my opinion is to get a new cdrom drive, you'd need it in the future anyway to install more software via disk.

sorry i read that as the "cd was broken" not the drive...

yes as wolfey said the best bet would be to replace the drive.

or if you have your xp cd, i can guide you through setting up the install via your adapter.(jsut to get an OS on the drive

but yes replace the drive otherwise your gonna have issue with installing other software etc...



Windows 10 Pro x64

Aqua Jeantech Gaming case

550watt psu.

MSI Gaming Board

32GB DDR3 Corsair gaming Ram

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4 x 24x dvdrw


750GB Hybrid Drive


and loads of other bits i really dont need :D


Danzil, the CD drive just doesn't work, not even when I was running windows on an old HDD, I installed other software from an external CD drive.


under boot devices, would "removable devices" refer to a USB stick, because I have one, and I have my XP CD so I could make a bootable USB stick with ease.


I can't afford a new CD drive, and I'm not even sure it would be worth it, my laptop is OLD and CD drives are rare for it (and so they are expensive).


this all depends on the size of your usb pen,,,,,,,,

yes you can make the usb pen bootable but it needs to pick up on the xp setup..

if you know how to do this then excellent if not try this link

Installing Windows XP from a USB pen | Sentire.co.uk



have fun

i have done this before, just take your time, nothing like wasting 45 minutes to realise you missed a step and the usb pen doesnt boot.

ALSO MAKE SURE your first boot device is "removable device" (as you stated) or USB HDD if that is an option.




Windows 10 Pro x64

Aqua Jeantech Gaming case

550watt psu.

MSI Gaming Board

32GB DDR3 Corsair gaming Ram

Genuine Intel i7 3.2Ghz

4 x 24x dvdrw


750GB Hybrid Drive


and loads of other bits i really dont need :D


In the WinSetupFromUSB-0.1.1 window: click Browse, next to the Windows 2000/XP/2003 Source box, and navigate to the location of the XP Install CD.


I take it that this is just the CD?? ("F:\" for me)


May seem like a stupid question, but I'm being ultra careful.


Danzil, the CD drive just doesn't work, not even when I was running windows on an old HDD, I installed other software from an external CD drive.


If you have access to that external drive might it not be easier to install that way?

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  RandyL said:
If you have access to that external drive might it not be easier to install that way?


I have tried this, but it does not work on my laptop (It did work for this desktop PC though as the MOBO on my desktop is much newer than on my laptop)

Guest Wolfeymole

First of all you said;


Danzil, the CD drive just doesn't work, not even when I was running windows on an old HDD, I installed other software from an external CD drive.


Now you say;


I have tried this, but it does not work on my laptop (It did work for this desktop PC though as the MOBO on my desktop is much newer than on my laptop)


Are we talking about the laptop here?


I thought we were.




I am trying to install XP onto a laptop


I had an OS on an old HDD (that one day decided to hate me and stop working) and once XP is installed, I can use the external CD to load software, such as word, games etc.


but I can't boot from the external CD.

Guest Wolfeymole

Ok Slee


I think what's be referred to here as Removable Media is the floppy.


Just exactly how old is this lappy because that then gives us an indication as to whether it can boot from USB, which to be honest I very much doubt it can.


I'll reiterate and suggest that you need a new drive, if this not possible via finances or the lack of one these days then forget it.

  Wolfeymole said:
Ok Slee


I think what's be referred to here as Removable Media is the floppy.


Just exactly how old is this lappy because that then gives us an indication as to whether it can boot from USB, which to be honest I very much doubt it can.



Lappy isn't THAT old, it has a good 3.2GHz processor, 1GB RAM and 256MB dedicated ATi mobility radeon 9700 (no upgrades)


also, it doesn't have a floppy drive and it didn't come with a USB floppy drive


so I HOPE you are wrong because the CD drives really are impossible to find xD


It's a clevo, but I have just confirmed that it boots from USB as it came up on my boot menu in the BIOS.


However, my laptop now has a problem in the way it doesn't detect ANYTHING (it shows up in the boot menu with a "!" next to it :(


Slee plug in your cdrom first then check your BIOS.


Set the USB as first boot.


it doesn't detect ANYTHING


What is anything?

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It doesn't seem to detect the HDD or the USB stick at all except in the BIOS.


It just keeps saying "Operating System Not Found" but it doesn't do anything else or try to boot from the USB (despite the fact I set it to)


OK Let me try to make some sense of this.


1. In the BIOS you've set it to boot from USB.

Did you save the changes befor exiting?


2. You are trying to boot from a bootable USB stick that you put Windows on.


3. When you try to boot "Operating System Not Found" comes up.


This is what is happening. When you boot the computer it will seek to boot from the first device that you set in the BIOS. In this case the USB stick.


If the first device is not bootable it will go to the next device which is your hard drive. Since your hard drive is blank it won't boot to that either.


Logic dictates that the USB stick that you tried to make bootable from a Windows disk was done wrong. Therefore it is not a bootable USB stick. Therefore you get the "Operating System Not Found" because there is no operating system and your stick was not made right.


OK now listen carefully. I assume your external cdrom is a USB external cdrom. This is most probably right these days. So use that instead of trying to create a bootable USB stick. A USB device is a USB device. So do this ok?


1. Set the BIOS to boot from USB.


2. Save the changes in the BIOS and exit.


3. Plug in your external CDROM.


4. Put in the Windows disk in the external CDROM.


5. Make sure it is a full Windows disk or one for your system.


6. Reboot your computer.


If I'm mistaken you or someone else will let me know but short of buying a replacement internal CDROM drive this would be your best option.

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In the interests of science I have tried booting Windows using an external CD drive connected to USB to install Windows - on a laptop.


Result? No


Lappy sees the CD, attempts to boot from it and says 'No Operating System Found'.My laptop is less than a year old - I can't see a reason for it, known good drive, original Windows XP CD.


If I'm mistaken you or someone else will let me know but short of buying a replacement internal CDROM drive this would be your best option.


I agree - buy yourself a cheap second hand internal drive from ebay, or a new one from someone like Ebuyer. Most are a standard fit once you remove the various adapters and front bezel.

Thank you Tootech. I would have thought it would work but since you have tried it I believe you. I'm sure glad you weighed in on this one.

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