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ROFL. That is funny. :)



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In my day, there was one teacher who used to throw the blackboard duster, (which was a large and heavy lump of wood with felt attached), at unruly pupils, quite often hitting them on the upper torso, shoulders and chest. It b***** hurt. You also got covered in chalk dust as well, thereby staining yourself as a trouble maker.

I only got that treatment once, I didn't need it again.

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 We are all members helping other members. Please return here where you may be able to help someone else.  

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I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄


Guest Wolfeymole

Yorkshire Discipline



In my day, there was one teacher who used to throw the blackboard duster, (which was a large and heavy lump of wood with felt attached), at unruly pupils, quite often hitting them on the upper torso, shoulders and chest. It b***** hurt. You also got covered in chalk dust as well, thereby staining yourself as a trouble maker.

I only got that treatment once, I didn't need it again.


That must be something thay taught at Teacher Training College, we had the same deal in London :eek:

If it ain't broke.........
Reminds me of some Nuns in Sunday school. MEAN!!

Nothing increases productivity like the last minute.......


"...How years ago in days of old

When magic filled the air,

'Twas in the darkest depths of Mordor

I met a girl so fair,

But Gollum, and the Evil One crept up

And slipped away with her..."_Ramble On

Guest Wolfeymole
Yeah but at least then there was no "Politically Correct" bollocks like we have today.
Yup, civilization started it's Bobsled ride to H**L when the courts and "Civil Liberties" groups removed corporal punishment from the classroom. Kids (and many of their parents) no longer have any respect for law, order, and legitimate authority.

Nothing increases productivity like the last minute.......


"...How years ago in days of old

When magic filled the air,

'Twas in the darkest depths of Mordor

I met a girl so fair,

But Gollum, and the Evil One crept up

And slipped away with her..."_Ramble On


When I was in school punishment was doled out.


The ruler,the slipper,the cain,the open hand even the odd punch from a teacher.


Fav of the teachers was proberly the old chuck the blackboard rubber at you or a peice of chalk,yes in my day we had chalk boards on the wall.They did invent white boards while I was being educated.


Ok adds I was class nerd though.Top in all subjects except physics as I hated the subject and the teacher.I was also teachers pet.:)


I was chess champ to.


Question should be how do we stop the violence in schools these days as it is the teachers who get the brunt of it not the pupils.


Violence towards teachers is on the rise.

Rwy'n ceisio fy ngorau......................
the problem is parent's responsibility - parents just dont care what their children get up to, so those children never learn the rights and the wrongs. also, suspension is no good as these children view it as a day off, so what we had i my school was isolation - instead of being sent home, you get put in an isloations room and given some very boring work to do - a bit like detention really (incidentally, this never seems to happen anymore. when was the last time you heard aynone say they were put in detention today?).


Phantom Phixer

Old Phantoms never die, they just get spookier....



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