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I have a Belkin Router connected to my pc and Virgin cable modem. I only use the wireless router with my laptop.How can I switch it off and only use the pc connection to the internet.?There is no switch on the router -BelkinFSDF5D7230A. Thanks
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dont you want the laptop to connect anymore? you can turn the wireless off in the router settings but if you turn the router itself off you will need to connect the modem diectly to the pc reboot both the modem and the pc but your laptop wont get the net anymore
Q9550 P5Q pro mobo 4 gig pc8500 ATI 4870 Scythe CPU cooler Vista X64 5 HDDs 3 optical OCZ modular psu
Yes I do want to use my laptop but not very often as I mainly use it when I go away. I thought it would be more secure if it was switched off and not sending a signal out. I thought that there may be a simple way to disable it on a temporary basis-a very simple way for a beginner!! Thanks for replying -look forward to your comments.

do you have the manual for the router? all you will need to do is enter the config pages by using the router ip enter user name and password often if left default this will be admin, password or admin admin or user password or similar and just turn off wireless. If you do not have the manual here is a slightly more complex way


press win key and r at the same time.

in the run box type cmd.

type ipconfig /all

look for default gateway.

type default gateway into browser window ie 192.168.*.* (the stars will be numbers)

type in user name and password you may have set this when you first set up router or try combination as I mentioned.Then simply disable wireless which will be easy to find once you open the config

Q9550 P5Q pro mobo 4 gig pc8500 ATI 4870 Scythe CPU cooler Vista X64 5 HDDs 3 optical OCZ modular psu

OK looked at the manual (or what should be)


Open internet explorer and type into the address bar and go

the password will be blank ie nothing typed if you have not set one already so either enter your password or not and press enter

Click wireless on the left and disable save settings and exit wireless is now off just do the same and re enable to turn it on again

Q9550 P5Q pro mobo 4 gig pc8500 ATI 4870 Scythe CPU cooler Vista X64 5 HDDs 3 optical OCZ modular psu
Ok -trying very hard-Typed in came Belkin Cable set up utility/Clicked on wireless/entered password/Wirelees at left hand side/clicked/got 3 choices/Channel +SSID/Security + Use as access point._Now stuck -no ref to disable save settings .Am I testing your patience? David.
Posted (edited)

Not a chance I am ver patient hold on a sec ill go back to the manual


Just click wireless and it appears to say enable or disable wireless functionality set it to disabled then click apply settings

Edited by zinglebarb
Q9550 P5Q pro mobo 4 gig pc8500 ATI 4870 Scythe CPU cooler Vista X64 5 HDDs 3 optical OCZ modular psu
Maybe i have got an older version as it says there is a firmware update available,no metion of disable settings.
hmmmmmm it should be there somewhere have a good look around it will be under wireless somewhere
Q9550 P5Q pro mobo 4 gig pc8500 ATI 4870 Scythe CPU cooler Vista X64 5 HDDs 3 optical OCZ modular psu
Posted (edited)

There seem to be a few versions of your router - its a little bit confusing which is which. I've looked at 2 manuals, the menu seems the same, so I've posted a piccy of the screen you are looking for.


I found the manuals here - it says F5D7230-4 - I couldn't find a 7230A on their site.


Belkin : Support : F5D7230-4 User Manual


The Belkin manual says this


Configuring the Wireless Network Settings

Clicking on the header of the “Wireless” tab will take you to the

“Wireless” header page.

From this page, the Router’s wireless radio can be enabled or disabled (the default setting is enabled).

Under the “Wireless” tab, there are links that allow you to make changes to the

wireless network settings.

Which takes you here




Can you find that in your router?

Edited by Tootech
Hurray!!! Found it! (Don't know quite how.) Thanks to all for their help.What a great site! Best wishes.David.

If you don't use your laptop with the router very much then you can turn off the wireless part by going to the router settings.


which can be done by loading the router setup there should be a option for it in the start menu and then in the sub folder for the router or if your route is like the one i had you will need to do the following by typing or into a internet explorer page the first one should be the one u need. the password will either be password or the wont be one unless u have changed it and the user name will be admin.


If you don't want to disable the wire you can go to the route setup again and go to the security option and there is an-option where you can set it so only the computer you type it will be able to use it. A mac address is the computer own id number no two computers will have the same which means only the laptop and the desk will be able to connect.


The router should be able to auto get the mac address for you which also saves me typing how.


hope this helps

If you don't use your laptop with the router very much then you can turn off the wireless part by going to the router settings.


which can be done by loading the router setup there should be a option for it in the start menu and then in the sub folder for the router or if your route is like the one i had you will need to do the following by typing or into a internet explorer page the first one should be the one u need. the password will either be password or the wont be one unless u have changed it and the user name will be admin.


If you don't want to disable the wire you can go to the route setup again and go to the security option and there is an-option where you can set it so only the computer you type it will be able to use it. A mac address is the computer own id number no two computers will have the same which means only the laptop and the desk will be able to connect.


The router should be able to auto get the mac address for you which also saves me typing how.


hope this helps



Its easy enough to clone a mac address and its the network adapter that has these not the pc/laptop themselves


If you read post 6 I give the actual gateway address :)

Q9550 P5Q pro mobo 4 gig pc8500 ATI 4870 Scythe CPU cooler Vista X64 5 HDDs 3 optical OCZ modular psu

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