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Hello again : Can anyone answer me this small & probably stupid question : I want to change the hard drive in my laptop : at present it has an IDE 80GB Seagate 4200rpm .. does the rpm of a hard drive matter if so why?

cheers ...

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its how fast the platters spin the faster they spin the quicker the data is accessable by the heads(in theory) My desktop operatign hard drive spins @10000 rpm.You will be able to replace it with a drive that spins @ 5400 rpm these are readily available
Q9550 P5Q pro mobo 4 gig pc8500 ATI 4870 Scythe CPU cooler Vista X64 5 HDDs 3 optical OCZ modular psu



Just remember the faster it spins the more heat it will generate, thats why laptop HDD tend to spin slower.



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Once the hard drive is sorted, and you want even better performance, if you haven't yet done so, some extra RAM is a big help in that direction too. Most laptops RAM can be upgraded.

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I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄


have you considwered a solid state drive? these are available in up to 250gb and are many times faster than an hdd, and use far less power and generate a lot less heat due to the fact there are no moving parts, all plus points for use in a laptop. they're a lot harder to damage accidnetally as well, eg by vibration/shock/dropping it


Phantom Phixer

Old Phantoms never die, they just get spookier....



have you considwered a solid state drive? these are available in up to 250gb and are many times faster than an hdd, and use far less power and generate a lot less heat due to the fact there are no moving parts, all plus points for use in a laptop. they're a lot harder to damage accidnetally as well, eg by vibration/shock/dropping it



They are all sata interface aint they? op is using an ide

Q9550 P5Q pro mobo 4 gig pc8500 ATI 4870 Scythe CPU cooler Vista X64 5 HDDs 3 optical OCZ modular psu

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