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I have a problem, and I think I know what did it.


First things first, what I think got me here:


Me, being the cheap b@st@rd I am, I wanted 12 months free xbox live, so I downloaded an .exe and opened it. Obviously the programme didnt work. I am guessing it was this which gave my PC a virus - thats if it is a virus.


Whats happened to make me think i have a virus:


Right, well my PC has/had 2 partitions. 1 being vista premium and the other being the Windows 7 RC. I took space away from my vista partiton and added it to my windows 7 one. then I restarted to logged onto windows 7 and installed the driver for my network adaptor so I could go online.


Then I restarted again to go back to vista, but when I logged on, I got a blank screen and only had the mouse and the documents folder (Iv researched this (on a laptop) and seen how to get desktop back and a possible way to fix it, what striked me odd was the fact I couldnt find anyone else getting there documents folder showing up).


So I press ctrl + alt + del, to to task manager then file > new task. I type in 'EXPLORER' and of course that loads up.


Then I go to system restore (which was the way to fix it) and I find its been turned off (so all last restore points have been cleaned). Last time I was aware, it was turned on with a clean restore point. So now I cant restore.


What can/should I do?


Iv since formatted the partition with windows 7 and merged it to my vista drive as im bored of it and my HDD isnt the biggest in the world.




P.S. Yes I was being dumb and stupid and am paying for it now.


Also, Although iv gotten rid of the windows 7 partition, when i start up my PC, it still says windows 7 as a possible OS to use. When I select it, it says something like error or there was a problem and that I need to insert the installation disc. And way I can remove the windows 7 option?


Also, I logged onto my mums account on here and she had the same problem on her account.


1 more thing, Iv just noticed this. The odd thing is, its showing up as a folder down at the bottom.



Death to all but metal.... and maybe free pc help :p



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Guest Wolfeymole
Throw us a shot of what it says in the boot.ini file Metalhead or what it says.
Throw us a shot of what it says in the boot.ini file Metalhead or what it says.


boot.ini? Im still a noob lol. And thanks :)

Death to all but metal.... and maybe free pc help :p




Hi, it looks like things have got really messed up, the probably best thing to do here now would be to save or back up all the important stuff to disk or external hard drive, then totally reformat the hard drive again. That will sort all the problems, because I think when you tried the so called free X box thing, it was really a trojan and probably one of the worst.

Lesson learned I hope. Nothing is free when it is an obviously pirated copy you think you are getting!


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I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄


Hi, it looks like things have got really messed up, the probably best thing to do here now would be to save or back up all the important stuff to disk or external hard drive, then totally reformat the hard drive again. That will sort all the problems, because I think when you tried the so called free X box thing, it was really a trojan and probably one of the worst.

Lesson learned I hope. Nothing is free when it is an obviously pirated copy you think you are getting!



damn it. Ok. to be honest, couldnt come at a better time. Iv ordered a new hard drive off ebay so I will proberly reinstall vista onto that.


Using something like that isnt something I would have usually done, I was just in the mood for a freebie and very tired. Thanks.

Death to all but metal.... and maybe free pc help :p



Guest Wolfeymole
A computer gets just like an attic or the garage Metal, all kinds of crap, that you thought you needed but never did, gets dumped into it and eventually you have to say to yourself, time for a good clean out.
A computer gets just like an attic or the garage Metal, all kinds of crap, that you thought you needed but never did, gets dumped into it and eventually you have to say to yourself, time for a good clean out.


Oh iv cleaned loads of crap off it last week. I like to make a folder on my desktop and stick all the crap in there and know excatly how much space im saving. Feels good once its gone.


i dont really have anything worth keeping. All music is on my MP4 player, finished sixth form so work can go. All I'll prob do is list the programmes I have and so I can re-install them.


I have an old XP disc, when my har drive comes, do you think I should install XP or Vista?






Also, am i ok to install my new processor even though I have this problem?

Death to all but metal.... and maybe free pc help :p



Guest Wolfeymole
What exactly does it say on both the copy of XP and the copy of Vista, Metal?
not a clue lol. There both in the attic, in my PC box I think. I'll have to spend a day finding the sodding thing.

Death to all but metal.... and maybe free pc help :p



Guest Wolfeymole
Well we always find that patience is a virtue so we await your reply when you have discovered them.
To be honest, i'll prob look tomorrow. Am I able to install my new processor which arrived today? it wont get damaged or anything, will it by the virus?

Death to all but metal.... and maybe free pc help :p



Guest Wolfeymole

You said this,


Also, Although iv gotten rid of the windows 7 partition, when i start up my PC, it still says windows 7 as a possible OS to use. When I select it, it says something like error or there was a problem and that I need to insert the installation disc.
To be frank I have to say that if we can't sort this operating system thing out then there's not a lot of point in blobbing a new fan or CPU on is there?


In fact have you ascertained that the cpu is one that actually does fit.


Ok just to add to Wolfey, I know you now have what is the same as a new toy and want to play with it :D


I would be the same, however a bit of patience, just to avoid the unlikely chance of damage. It will be much better to get either the new hard drive, or at least reformat the existing one first, and start with a clean system.


We can help with that if needed first, then we can go on with the installation of the new processor after that.


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After all, no one knows everything and you may have the answer that someone needs.


I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄


You said this,


To be frank I have to say that if we can't sort this operating system thing out then there's not a lot of point in blobbing a new fan or CPU on is there?


In fact have you ascertained that the cpu is one that actually does fit.


Ok just to add to Wolfey, I know you now have what is the same as a new toy and want to play with it :D


I would be the same, however a bit of patience, just to avoid the unlikely chance of damage. It will be much better to get either the new hard drive, or at least reformat the existing one first, and start with a clean system.


We can help with that if needed first, then we can go on with the installation of the new processor after that.



Ok, thanks. I am excited, but scared at the same time. I really dont want to break it.... and please dont call it a toy, no toy costs £50 lol. But yeah, cant wait.


I'll prob just reinstall Vista using a recovery disc I have. just need to back up a few important things such as wireless network dongle driver (lost disc). I'll do that now.


Thanks :(

Death to all but metal.... and maybe free pc help :p



Guest Wolfeymole
What make is your pc Metal and did you make this disk when you first got the machine?
What make is your pc Metal and did you make this disk when you first got the machine?


Well it came with my mums laptop but iv already used it for this machine. It worked fine. My PC is E machine but the PC now things its an advent. I didn't have any problems doing it so I assume it'll be the same.

Death to all but metal.... and maybe free pc help :p



Guest Wolfeymole

Wait a minute, let me get this right Metal.


You used the disk supplied with your Mums pc to install Vista on your machine yes?

Wait a minute, let me get this right Metal.


You used the disk supplied with your Mums pc to install Vista on your machine yes?


My machine had vista on it already, but I had a bootmrg problem which could only be sorted by reinstalling vista. If I had a problem installing it, wouldnt really have mattered.


I followed the tech guys advice doing it. I think there part of PC world.


Anyways, iv just remembered I have an old vista recovery disc which I made - 'OEM recovery fix vista'. I'll prob use that. Why, whats wrong?

Death to all but metal.... and maybe free pc help :p



Guest Wolfeymole

Look Metal we really want to help you here but there is more to this than meets the eye wouldn't you agree?


Why did you use your Mums disk to install when you could have used the one that you have now realised you have?


All we ask is that you be open with us.

Look Metal we really want to help you here but there is more to this than meets the eye wouldn't you agree?


Why did you use your Mums disk to install when you could have used the one that you have now realised you have?


All we ask is that you be open with us.


Sorry, I am being open, just am really crap at explaining.


Right, I have an OEM recovery disc which i had to download from a website and install onto a disc, that was ages ago after phoning up the tech guy (im sure you've heared of them).


like 1 year after (dont really know howlong but that isnt important) my PC had a bootmrg problem (something was missing) so again, we got on the phone to the tech guys who said we should use my mums recovery disc after trying the OEM recovery disc and failing. I never knew why it didn't work. Im sure the disc still works.


Thats the main story. I would phone the tech guys, but we don't have a subscription with them anymore (couldn't afford to keep it going).


Does this clear it up abit? Sorry if it was a bit 'iffy giffy' before lol.

Death to all but metal.... and maybe free pc help :p



Guest Wolfeymole
Yes we have heard of PC Worlds support on machines via The Tech Guy and what you say makes sense, however let me make sure of just what make your machine is and what your Mums is ok.
Guest Wolfeymole
Right, I have an OEM recovery disc which i had to download from a website and install onto a disc, that was ages ago after phoning up the tech guy (im sure you've heared of them).


Which website was this?


like 1 year after (dont really know howlong but that isnt important) my PC had a bootmrg problem (something was missing) so again, we got on the phone to the tech guys who said we should use my mums recovery disc after trying the OEM recovery disc and failing. I never knew why it didn't work. Im sure the disc still works.


This is illegal advice offered, if it was offered by The Tech Guy.


You cannot use an OEM copy of any operating system designed for an Advent machine on an EMachine.

Which website was this?


I cant remember, I remember I had to go to there site and search something like oem recovery fix.... although I cant find a search function on there site now. I think it was their site anyway.


I remember because I kept thinking he said 'OEM recovery six' then gathered he meant fix lol.


This is illegal advice offered, if it was offered by The Tech Guy.


You cannot use an OEM copy of any operating system designed for an Advent machine on an EMachine.


oh really?

Death to all but metal.... and maybe free pc help :p



Guest Wolfeymole

Yes really


You seem like a really good lad Metal but unless we know exactly what's going on here this thread is heading for closure.


Let me explain something ok.


An OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) disk is usually installed on the machine before purchase and a re-installation copy may be provided entitled "For re-installation of XP on a Dell PC only", this is just an example.


You cannot simply install this disk to another pc and expect it to work as several things will not match up, one being activation to Microsoft.


I could go in the intricacies of all this at great detail but to put it simply what you have done does not hold water.


Please elaborate further.

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