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Daily care and feeding of WTS

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Guest ejaroch

I am relatively new to WTS. I am trying to identify best practices for

daily care and feeding of a WTS. I work for a large company and there are

operations people looking at the standard windows event logs but I am trying

to identify any WTS specific tasks that a good SA should be doing that are

unique to WTS. Thanks.

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Guest Vera Noest [MVP]

Re: Daily care and feeding of WTS


Depending on how your TS is configured you might want to check if

user profiles are unloaded properly and if redirected printers are

deleted properly when the sessions are closed.


You could also keep an eye on Task Manager and check available memory

over time, to check if you have a memory leak.


Be sure to connect to the console of the server, in case your users

are running an application which displays error messages always in

the console session.


But most of these issues should create an Event in the EventLog.


Vera Noest

MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server

TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net

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"ejaroch" <jarocher@live.com> wrote on 24 jan 2008 in


> I am relatively new to WTS. I am trying to identify best

> practices for daily care and feeding of a WTS. I work for a

> large company and there are operations people looking at the

> standard windows event logs but I am trying to identify any WTS

> specific tasks that a good SA should be doing that are unique to

> WTS. Thanks.

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