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API to get getting sessionid from server+username...? (might be OT?)

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Guest Thomas Eg Jørgensen



I've been searching for at better place to ask this question, but i

wasn't able to find any:-( If you have a better place for this question,

please let me know...


Anyhow, the question is related to developing custom terminal services

administration application...


I need to remote control a specific user(defined by the server+username)

in my software. To be able to remote control a specific user i must know

the sessionid of the user. However, the API in windows does not allow me

to query a server for a single username, i must enumerate ALL users and

thereafter compare EACH enumerated user to see if this user has the

correct username....


First i must enumerate all sessions on the specific server with:

BOOL WTSEnumerateSessions(

__in HANDLE hServer,

__in DWORD Reserved,

__in DWORD Version,

__out PWTS_SESSION_INFO* ppSessionInfo,

__out DWORD* pCount


[ http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383833(VS.85).aspx ]


....then i must loop all the users(about 200 per server) and query each

of them to verify the username with:

BOOL WTSQuerySessionInformation(

__in HANDLE hServer,

__in DWORD SessionId,


__out LPTSTR* ppBuffer,

__out DWORD* pBytesReturned


[ http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383838(VS.85).aspx ]


This can't be right, can it? the above procedure is, ofcourse, very

slow. About 1 sec to find a random user on a server with about 200

active sessions...and that is just to find the correct sessionid!


Here is snippet from my application(Pascal language):


//Open the serverhandle for the server in question...



//Enumerate all users on the server...

if WTSEnumerateSessionsW(ServerHandle,0,1,SessionInfo,nCount) then


//Set the the "CurrentSessionInformation"-pointer to the first

pointer returned by the enumeration...

CurrSessionInfo := SessionInfo;

//Loop as many times as nCount....one for each session...

for a:=1 to nCount do


//Query the session to get the username...



WTSUserName, ptr, bytesReturned) then



If LowerCase(CurrUsername)=LowerCase(Username) then


//Hurray! The username was correct, print it on the GUI and

break the loop..

memo1.lines.add('User '+CurrUsername+' found with ID

'+inttostr(CurrSessionInfo^.SessionId)+' on server "'+Servername+'"');




//Increase the pointer to the next in the enumeration...




//Memory management....um...we love it! eh..






And it works fine...but it ain't pretty! :-)


What am i missing here? Has anyone done anything like this and found a

neat "Username to sessionid" method?




....and again, i'm sorry if this ain't the correct group:-(



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Guest Rob Leitman [MS]

Re: API to get getting sessionid from server+username...? (might be OT?)


A user can have more than one session, so I don't see an alternative other

than enumeration.




"Thomas Eg Jørgensen" <thomas@hest.notaplan.com> wrote in message


> Hi,


> I've been searching for at better place to ask this question, but i wasn't

> able to find any:-( If you have a better place for this question, please

> let me know...


> Anyhow, the question is related to developing custom terminal services

> administration application...


> I need to remote control a specific user(defined by the server+username)

> in my software. To be able to remote control a specific user i must know

> the sessionid of the user. However, the API in windows does not allow me

> to query a server for a single username, i must enumerate ALL users and

> thereafter compare EACH enumerated user to see if this user has the

> correct username....


> First i must enumerate all sessions on the specific server with:

> BOOL WTSEnumerateSessions(

> __in HANDLE hServer,

> __in DWORD Reserved,

> __in DWORD Version,

> __out PWTS_SESSION_INFO* ppSessionInfo,

> __out DWORD* pCount

> );

> [ http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383833(VS.85).aspx ]


> ...then i must loop all the users(about 200 per server) and query each of

> them to verify the username with:

> BOOL WTSQuerySessionInformation(

> __in HANDLE hServer,

> __in DWORD SessionId,

> __in WTS_INFO_CLASS WTSInfoClass,

> __out LPTSTR* ppBuffer,

> __out DWORD* pBytesReturned

> );

> [ http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383838(VS.85).aspx ]


> This can't be right, can it? the above procedure is, ofcourse, very slow.

> About 1 sec to find a random user on a server with about 200 active

> sessions...and that is just to find the correct sessionid!


> Here is snippet from my application(Pascal language):


> //Open the serverhandle for the server in question...

> ServerHandle=WTSOpenServerW(PWideChar(ServerName));

> try

> //Enumerate all users on the server...

> if WTSEnumerateSessionsW(ServerHandle,0,1,SessionInfo,nCount) then

> begin

> //Set the the "CurrentSessionInformation"-pointer to the first

> pointer returned by the enumeration...

> CurrSessionInfo := SessionInfo;

> //Loop as many times as nCount....one for each session...

> for a:=1 to nCount do

> begin

> //Query the session to get the username...

> if

> WTSQuerySessionInformationW(ServerHandle,CurrSessionInfo^.SessionId,

> WTSUserName, ptr, bytesReturned) then

> begin

> CurrUsername:=PWideChar(ptr);

> If LowerCase(CurrUsername)=LowerCase(Username) then

> begin

> //Hurray! The username was correct, print it on the GUI and

> break the loop..

> memo1.lines.add('User '+CurrUsername+' found with ID

> '+inttostr(CurrSessionInfo^.SessionId)+' on server "'+Servername+'"');

> break;

> end;

> end;

> //Increase the pointer to the next in the enumeration...

> inc(CurrSessionInfo);

> end;

> end;

> //Memory management....um...we love it! eh..

> WTSFreeMemory(SessionInfo);

> finally

> WTSCloseServer(ServerHandle);

> end;


> And it works fine...but it ain't pretty! :-)


> What am i missing here? Has anyone done anything like this and found a

> neat "Username to sessionid" method?


> Thanks!


> ...and again, i'm sorry if this ain't the correct group:-(


> /Thomas

Guest Thomas Eg Jørgensen

Re: API to get getting sessionid from server+username...? (might be OT?)



"Rob Leitman [MS]" <robleit@online.microsoft.com> skrev i en meddelelse


>> I need to remote control a specific user(defined by the

>> server+username) in my software. To be able to remote control a

>> specific user i must know the sessionid of the user. However, the API

>> in windows does not allow me to query a server for a single username,

>> i must enumerate ALL users and thereafter compare EACH enumerated

>> user to see if this user has the correct username....



> A user can have more than one session, so I don't see an alternative

> other than enumeration.



ah yes, i did not think of that, but it sounds like that's the reason

why enumeration are necessary...


Thanks alot...



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