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Hi, I have just upgraded my graphics card to a sapphire hd3850 (AGP), my PSU to colours 550 watt and ram up to 2 gig. My current mobo is a microstar international , model pt-2200 , version 1.0 and my CPU is a AMD athlon 64 processor 3000+.

Can you please show me some links to best ( and most powerful i can run ) CPU as after runin some tests have found that my CPU is holdin my system back.


Thanks Siggy. :)

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Not really sure as I can't find much definitive information out but the best scenario is if it is a socket 939, but then without the mobo chipset info I'm stuck, but ether way I don't think your going to get much improvement without upgrading your motherboard aswell, but then that will probably mean that your RAM and GPU Upgrades will be no good ether.


So I would accept that your system has reached the end of its upgrade path and look at replacing it with a compete new build.






Thanks for the speedy responces peeps, do you think if I install windows 7 64 bit rather than 32 that it might help? that would mean I'd be able to install 4 gig of ram too. Also my CPU fan is very noisy, you guys have a link to a quiet one?

Thanks again Siggy

Posted (edited)

Well to be totally Honest I can say I haven't seen a speed improvement between, Windows 7RC7100 (X86) and Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit.


and my CPU and Motherboard are less than 4 years old, and while the case was last open to blow the dust out I was looking at Motherboard thinking that a nice Asus with a AM3 Socket and Phenom CPU would be nice in it, then the wife shattered my daydreams by talking of a nice cooker she wants :(


But CPU coolers this one should be as good and quite as any, they also have a variable speed one but thats £15 more


Scan.co.uk: AKASA AK-860SF AMD S754/939/AM2, Low Noise Aluminium Heatsink with AM2 retention clips and 92mm fan

Edited by Match





siggyphoo your signature says you are using XP-Pro. Are you thinking of upgrading from XP to 7?

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Hello siggyphoo


Can you double-check this model number MSI K8TM-ILSR (MS-6741, by turning off your computer, removing the power cord from the wall socket, remove the side panel and check between the PCI slots to locate this model number to confirm it.


Your MB can accept this 754 Athlon 64 up to 3700+.


My bulldog search lead me to a 2006 topic basically asking the same question here.


These old MBs can be a pita in the search dept. :eek:

"Don't worry about a thing,

Cause every little thing gonna be all right" Bob Marley


Lol Match! I got one of those in other room too, look at it this way, no cooker, u eat cold food, no pc.....means u eat hot food together. Personally I would prefer the cold food sittin on my own at the pc haha! Thanks for the link btw.

Hi Randy, yeah I was thinking that but to be honest I really like xp. I have a laptop thats vista and had no probs but I only use that to play poker and show clients plans. Would just like to see what it could do if it was 64 bit as I dont really know much about it . Probably nothing wrong with my pc its just im one of those people thats never content, always wantin bigger better faster lol, I just get bored and like buildin stuff.

Hi Sho-dan, that sounds good I'll check it right now thanks. Siggy


Ok Sho-Dan, yeah you are right my mobo is ms-6741 version : 1, I am gonna look where to get it now , thanks alot.

Oh by the way I am running 2 gigs of ram, when I look inside my case I see 2 slots ( which I have ram in ) but when I run a SIW or crucial scan it says I have 2 slots spare and that I can have up to 4 gigs of ram . I cant find other 2 slots and I think I can only go to 4 gigs if I am runnin 64 bit operating system...its got me baffled. Thanks Siggy


Does this look familiar




MSI MS-6741 VIA K8T800 Chipset Socket 754 AMD Athlon 64 3400+ w/SOUND/SATA/AGP/RAID/CNR - mATX NEW


but when I run a SIW or crucial scan it says I have 2 slots spare


this is probably because it is a cheaper version of a board that had 4 slots, and to save money they didn't put then on the board.


as to only having a Max of 4Gig of RAM (2X 2Gb) you wouldn't be able to get any software to use more than that anyway ;)


Probably nothing wrong with my pc its just im one of those people thats never content, always wantin bigger better faster lol, I just get bored and like buildin stuff.


as I say to people if its working mess with it and break it then you have something to do. and tbh I just read about AMD and Intel launching 6 Core CPU's now where can I get a couple of £1000 from and how can I get the wife to believe that I really do need one?






Thats the same board as mine , Its not easy tryin to find somewhere that sells the athlon 64 3700+ though. I see what you mean about the amount of ram though but if I upgraded to a 64 bit system then im sure I can use all 4 gigs...maybe not.

LOL! Iagree on the "mess with it and break it" ...dont know much about cores but I hear the PS3 has a 9 core processor, I got a 60 gig PS3 in living room upgraded to 320 gig hdd, mainly use it with Play TV so can pause and record live tv ( too tight to get sky ) but sometimes play the odd game. But, if its true...PS3 really does have a 9 core processor, then how come a PS3/blueray is so cheap? I bet you will pay more for the 6 core processor.

Thanks Siggy


I wouldn't say that a Sony PlayStation has Nine cores in the way Intel and AMD have 4, but it does have a Single core controlling 8 others? confused read this and you still won't understand lol.


Cell (microprocessor) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


6 Cores the Article I read says around $1000 US so that's about £700 UK + Motherboard and I'll bet it will need DDR3 RAM


As for the RAM Quantity with a 32 bit OS you will only be able to use 3.5G with a 64 bit OS you theoretically can have 192GB :eek: lol and I'd like to see that Motherboard and PSU :p


But Until the Software catches up with the Hardware then whats the point, 64Bit OS's have been around for years, and Windows 7 is the first to boast full 64 bit driver support, so it will be the OS' that starts the move to true 64 Bit computing, maybe my next system with windows 8 ?? will have more RAM.






Should have left things alone!


Hi all, back again. Ive done it this time, toook pc apart and fitted new arctic cooler fan onto my PCU. When I took old heatsink off the pcu came out with it so i twisted it off and cleaned both new heatsink and CPU with arctic 1 and 2 then applied arctic 5 silver to surface. I then re-attached it and when I tried to fire it up the fans work and drive lights but fan on graphics card wont work. I can tell by the sound that its not even attempting to load windows but I have lost connection to monitor. To make sure I removed ram and started again but no beeps.

I then removed heatsink again and the CPU popped out with it, I noticed that on 3 of the tiny pins on back had some of that arctic silver stuff on them, could this be the problem?

Anyways to cut a long story short Im wondering if theres a way to find out if its the mobo or CPU thats gave up the ghost before spendin any more beer tokens.

Thanks Siggy.




Do you have onboard graphics? If yes try that first and take out the graphics card. If that works then put the graphics card back and see if it works then. If that does not work then it can be the CPU or mobo.


And dont use too much thermal paste on the CPU.



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Clean those pins - very carefully. You could do to use IPA alchohol and clean all residue from the CPU, the socket and surrounding area. Silver paste will allow tracking of electrical signals.
Clean those pins - very carefully


Yes Gold is very malleable and if you break one it's no good taking it to a jeweler to get it soldered back on


You also need to be Very careful about static, normally I would avoid touching them however to clean them without would be very difficult






Hi, Thanks folks, well after trying to bend the little pins back into shape I lost it lol and smashed all the pins up. I put another CPU in and now back in action. Im now looking into building my own PC. I ve been looking at Novatech site for motherboard bundles but haven't really got a clue which one to go for. I think the likes of the I5 is too expensive but I would like to find one that can play games is somewhat future proof and not too expensive. If anybody has any ideas I would be very grateful. Also is Novatech best place to get these sort of things?

Thanks Siggy


Personally I would place a post here


PC Building and Hardware Reviews - Computer Support Forums - FreePCHelp.co.uk


state how much you want to spend, and what you would like to do with it,


I just posted a spec sheet on another forum for a new PC I'm putting together for the wife, that's an AMD Dual core, 2.8Ghz CPU, on a MSI Motherboard, 2 Gig of DDR3, 500Gig Sata HDD for £315 ish excluding the OS and Monitor.


so if you work on needing a minimum Budget of £400 inc OS





  • 1 month later...
  siggyphoo said:
Thats the same board as mine , Its not easy tryin to find somewhere that sells the athlon 64 3700+ though. I see what you mean about the amount of ram though but if I upgraded to a 64 bit system then im sure I can use all 4 gigs...maybe not.

LOL! Iagree on the "mess with it and break it" ...dont know much about cores but I hear the PS3 has a 9 core processor, I got a 60 gig PS3 in living room upgraded to 320 gig hdd, mainly use it with Play TV so can pause and record live tv ( too tight to get sky ) but sometimes play the odd game. But, if its true...PS3 really does have a 9 core processor, then how come a PS3/blueray is so cheap? I bet you will pay more for the 6 core processor.

Thanks Siggy


You could try to source an athlon 64 3700+ mobile processor and fit it, thats what im doing now, I hope it will work and it should be much more overclockable.


Maybe someone here has some tips.


Im just trying to get a decent graphics card to replace the one i have. Thought the AGP card I sourced "appeared" to be much crappier than my current one -


current - ATI X850XT PE

possible new one - ATI HD 3650


I will just have to work it out.


Should say that my alienware laptop graphics have failed so im reduced to resurrecting my old old old comp!

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