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2003 R2 Quota+disk size

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Hi Everyone, sorry if this is in the wrong section but theres a few different

topics in it.


I have an server 2003 R2 setup, using the FSRM for quota on users

homespaces. These quota work fine with e-mails and reports being generated.

However when the user maps a network drive for their homespace instead of the

drive showing their quota'd storage it shows the actual size of the physical

disk on the server (the partition size where their network folder/homespace

is stored).


Is there a way around this? Or can a script get the actual quota applied to

a folder, I don't mind if its still wrong on the mapped drive because the

users can't see the drive properties anyway.


I have come to the conclusion its not possible unless I put the quota on the

actual disk, the pre R2 way.


Thanks for any help.

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