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I have decided to create a small programming challenge and have written up the details on my blog:




The challenge is all written in VS 2008 with 100% test coverage using the integrated unit testing features of VS (on the core library) and a WPF front end. So, at the very least, if you're looking for a simple example of Unit testing, WPF and Linq, all wrapped up,* this could be a fun and easy way to do it.


Iwould love to get some participation from folks here, since the morepeople involved the more fun it will be. I first heard about thePrisoners Dilemma from one of Richard Dawkins videos on youtube and Ihave been interested in it ever since. Here is a little excerpt fromthe blog post about why I officially am doing this challenge:


Whatcaused me to put together this challenge, though, was a conversation Ihad with a colleague regarding the use of torture as a valid means ofinterrogation. At some point in the discussion I decided to use thePrisoner’s Dilemma as an example to counter one of his arguments.Essentially he was arguing that American’s should be allowed to tortureterrorists because they are also torturing American soldiers. So, ofcourse, this discussion gets much more complicated than this but when Ibrought up the idea that the Prisoner’s Dilemma should illustrate thatcooperation is more beneficial than betrayal (or not torturing enemiesof America as, at least, a gesture to also not torture Americansoldiers) he disregarded the study and claimed that it has questionablescientific validity to begin with.


So as someone who valuesreason I would like to perform a bit of a scientific study to validateor invalidate the theory behind the Prisoner’s Dilemma before wecontinue with this point of the debate.


So if you're up to it give it a shot!




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