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Backup Group Policy Locked Down terminal Server

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Guest Rick31la

We have a Windows 2003 terminal server that is locked down with Group Policy.

The server is locked down so any user that logs in gets policy applied.

(Computer Group Policy). The problem is the administrator account also gets

locked down and NTBackup does not run. Is there a way to remove the

administrator from having group policy applied or is there any other method

to create a daily backup of the server without removing from policy first?

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Guest Vera Noest [MVP]

Re: Backup Group Policy Locked Down terminal Server


Yes, you can use security filtering of the GPO.

Documented here:


816100 - How To Prevent Domain Group Policies from Applying to

Administrator Accounts and Selected Users in Windows Server 2003




Vera Noest

MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server

TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net

___ please respond in newsgroup, NOT by private email ___


=?Utf-8?B?UmljazMxbGE=?= <Rick31la@discussions.microsoft.com>

wrote on 21 mar 2008 in


> We have a Windows 2003 terminal server that is locked down with

> Group Policy. The server is locked down so any user that logs in

> gets policy applied. (Computer Group Policy). The problem is the

> administrator account also gets locked down and NTBackup does

> not run. Is there a way to remove the administrator from having

> group policy applied or is there any other method to create a

> daily backup of the server without removing from policy first?

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